Evaluation of hepatic function by computer analysis of 99mTc-N-pyridoxyl-5-methyltryptophan dynamic curves.
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A new analytical method was developed for <SUP>99m</SUP>Tc-N-pyridoxyl-5-methyltryptophan (<SUP>99m</SUP>Tc-PMT) dynamic curves in the heart and liver using computer. Four parameters were obtained: <SUP>99m</SUP>Tc-PMTdisappearaRceratefromplasma(Kd), hepaticuptakerate(Ku), hepatic excretion rate (Ke) and peak time of hepatic uptake-excretion curve (Peak Time). These parameters were determined in 51 patients with or without liver diseases. Kd, Ku and Ke significantly decreased and Peak Time also significantly prolonged in patients with chronic hepatitis, compensated and decompensated liver cirrhosis in serial order. In patients with acute hepatitis, marked decrease of Ke was observed. A good correlation was found between these parameters and other hepatic function tests such as ALP, ChE, Albumin, γ-globulin and ICG retention test. These results suggest that parameters obtained are sensitive index for evaluating the severity of liver damage.<BR>Therefore it is considered that the computer analysis of <SUP>99m</SUP>Tc-PMT dynamic curves is clinically very useful as hepatic function test.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
柏木 徹
松田 裕之
吉岡 博昭
東 正祥
満谷 夏樹
大阪厚生年金病院 内科
石津 弘視
大阪厚生年金病院 内科
小泉 岳夫
大阪厚生年金病院 内科
木村 和文
木村 和文
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