4.1 有機材料のSTM
重川 秀実
吉村 雅満
吉村 雅満
重川 秀実
Univ. Tsukuba Tsukuba
河津 璋
- SPM最先端研究の現状と可能性 : 有機バイオ分野を中心にして
- グラファイト基板上へのカーボンナノ構造の成長
- Si(001)c(4×4)-Snの走査トンネル顕微鏡 : 同軸型直衝突イオン散乱分光法による解析
- Baに誘起されたSi(111)微斜面における規則的ステップの低速電子線回折(LEED)・走査トンネル顕微鏡(STM)による観察
- 走査型トンネル顕微鏡によるBa/Si(100)の成長過程の観察
- 30pYQ-6 グラファイト上の多層ナノチューブの原子ギアロックによる転がり
- 25aTA-1 グラファイト上の多層ナノチューブの配向と高分解摩擦力像
- 25aT-12 走査型水素検出顕微鏡による水素の2次元分布測定
- 25aT-1 C_、C_薄膜の摩擦力像の異方性
- 24aPS-60 Phを媒介とするAgナノ構造の形成と制御
- 23pW-7 ナノロープの滑りと摩擦力像
- 26aPS-54 C_、C_ナノチューブのナノ摩擦
- シリコン材料におけるSTM
- 29a-PS-8 Sn吸着によるSi(110)面の凹凸周期構造の変調
- 走査型水素検出顕微鏡の開発とその応用
- 31p-YF-13 Si(110)清浄表面 : "16構造"の原子配列のSTM観察
- 31a-PS-15 Si(110)表面原子配列への微量ニッケルの及ぼす影響
- 8p-B-12 TOF-ESDによる固体表面上の水素の二次元局所分析
- 8a-H-12 Sn/Si(110)の被覆率依存性のSTM観察
- 29a-PS-53 TOF-ESDとFTIRのその場観察による金属表面へのCOの吸着
- 2p-K-2 有機伝導体(BEDT-TTF)_2X(X=I_3,KHg(SCN)_4,(NH_4)Hg(SCN)_4)表面のSTM観察
- プローブ顕微鏡 (SPM) による表面分析
- サイクルパルス光波技術と走査トンネル顕微分光の応用 : 光ミュージック"光楽"を創ろう
- 分子シャトルの実現 : 走査トンネル顕微鏡による分子操作
- 29a-PS-51 スズ吸着Si(111)表面局所構造と水素照射効果
- STMによるSi(111)へのAlCl^3分子の吸着プロセスの観察と反応表面での原子・分子操作
- 走査トンネル顕微鏡によるシリコン固相エピタキシー過程の観察
- 29p-P-3 熱アニールによるシリコン表面欠陥回復過程の高温STM"その場"観察
- アルゴンイオンスパッタSi(001)固相エピタキシ過程のSTMによるその場観察 (原子レベルでの結晶成長機構) -- (成長表面と界面構造)
- STMによるSi表面へのAlCl_3吸着過程の観察と反応表面での原子・分子操作
- 15a-DJ-12 STMによるAlCl_3吸着Si(111)表面の観察
- 12a-DK-4 Si(100)表面欠陥の高温STM観察
- 13a-Y-9 Si(100)固相エピタキシ過程のSTM観察
- 27pC3 アルゴンスパッタ非晶質Si膜の固相エピタキシ過程のSTM観察(気相成長III)
- 2p-K-1 有機超伝導体(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu(NCS)_2表面のSTMによる研究
- Determination of Third-Order Optical Nonlinearity Dispersion of 1-Methyl-1'-Octadecyl-2, 2'-Cyanine Perchlorate Langmuir-Blodgett Films Using Electroabsorption Spectroscopy
- 気相成長による脂質長鎖分子蒸着薄膜のAFM観察 : 有機結晶(一般)II
- 6KにおけるSi(100)ダイマー間相互作用と位相欠陥のダイナミツクス
- Aggregation Effect on the Third-Order Optical Nonlinearity in 4-(N, N-Diethylamino)-β-Nitrostyrene-Doped Polymer Films
- Nonresonant femtosecond second hyperpolarizabilities of intramolecular charge-transfer molecules with great excited- and ground-state dipole-moment differences
- 30p-BPS-8 グラファイト上に真空蒸着したTTF-TCNQ表面のSTM観察
- 3a-K-1 マイカ上に真空蒸着したTTF-TCNQ表面のSTM観察
- 15a-DH-12 シリコン上へのAlの整合吸着相のSTM観察
- 14p-DH-5 MoS_2表面のSTM/STS
- 光STM-超高速時間応答測定の可能性
- 22pYE-2 Si(100) 表面構造の STM バイアス電圧とドーパント依存性
- SPMで覗くSi(100)表面構造相転移の不思議な世界 : 再安定相を探し求めた先に現れたのは
- SPMで覗くSi(100) 表面構造相転移の不思議な世界 : 最安定相を探し求めた先に現れたのは
- STM-IETS測定の実際
- 29p-ZF-3 STMによる有機導電体薄膜の観察
- 6p-T-1 時間分解型LEED装置の製作
- 5p-T-10 In/Si(111)の等温、昇温脱離
- 5p-T-6 LEEDによるSi(111)√×√-Alの構造解析
- 低次元有機伝導体表面の構造相転移と表面電荷密度波
- Adsorption and Wetting Structures of Kr on Pt(111) at 8K and 45K Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Si(111) Surface under Phase Transitions Studied by the Analysis of Inner Layer Structures Using Bias-Dependent Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Characteristic Configuration of Cis-2-butene Molecule on Pd(110) Determined by Scanning Thnneling Microscopy
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of Water Molecules on Pd(110) at Cryogenic Temperature
- 第10回SPM国際コロキウム報告
- Initial Stage of Nitridation of GaAs(001): Atomic Scale View
- 走査型トンネル顕微鏡(12)
- 光励起 STM
- 走査型プローブ顕微鏡による有機伝導体薄膜の表面観察
- 第4回走査型トンネル顕微鏡/電子分光国際会議
- Electronic Structure of the Si(100) Surface A Defects Analyzed by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy at 80 K
- Spontaneous Fluctuation between Symmetric and Buckled Dimer Domains of Si(100) at 80 K
- PSEE-Related Phenomena Indicative of the Meaning of Two-Process Model Parameters for Mechanically Deformed Aluminum : Exoemission Mechanism and Related Phenomena
- A Method for Determining the Activation Rates of PSEE Centers in Scratched Aluminum by Varying the Stimulation Intensity
- A Note on Electron Transfer to Exoelectron Emission Sources from Scratched Auminum
- Probing subpicosecond dynamics using pulsed laser combined scanning tunneling microscopy
- Direct Attachment of Double-stranded DNA to Gold Surface for Preparation of Nano-structured Devices
- Pseudo-Real Time Observation of the Dynamics of Phase Defect on Si(100) Surface
- Development of Time-Resolved Scanning Thnneting Microscopy in Femtosecond Range
- Finite-difference time-domain calculation with all parameters of Sellmeier's fitting equation for 12-fs laser pulse propagation in a silica fiber
- Measurements of Third-Order Dispersion Effects for Generation of High-Repetition-Rate, Sub-Three-Cycle Transform-Limited Pulses from a Glass Fiber
- Optical pulse compression to 5.0 fs by use of only a spatial light modulator for phase compensation
- Amplitude and Phase Characterization of 5.0 fs Optical Pulses Using Spectral Phase Interferometry for Direct Electric-Field Reconstruction : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Comparison between theory and experiment of nonlinear propagation for a-few-cycle and ultrabroadband optical pulses in a fused-silica fiber
- Comparison of the Symmetry Breaking in the Surface Molecular Structures of One- and Two-Dimensional Bis (ethylenedithio) tetrathiafulvalene Compounds
- Origin, Cause, and Electronic Structure of the Symmetric Dimers of Si(100) at 80 K
- Generation of intense ultrabroadband optical pulses by induced phase modulation in an argon-filled single-mode hollow Waveguide
- Effect of the Dipole-Dipole Interaction on the Self-Assembly of Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes
- Intermittent Automodulation Observed in Fe-3% Si Reeds
- Resonance Curves Obtained in the Vibration of Fe-3% Si Reeds
- Theory of ultrabroadband optical pulse generation by induced phase modulation in a gas-filled hollow waveguide
- Programmable chirp compensation for 6-fs pulse generation with a prism-pair-formed pulse shaper
- Structure Transformation of the C Defects Observed at Low Temperature (80 K)
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on Ordered Self-Assemblies of Cyclodextrin lnclusion Complexes Formed by Substrate-Induced Two-Dimensional Crystal Growth
- Surface Superstructures Fluctuating in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Organic Conductor β-(BEDT-TTF)_2PF_6 Observed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy ( Scanning Tunneling Microscopy)
- Generation of monocycle-like optical pulses using induced-phase modulation between two-color femtosecond pulses with carrier phase locking
- Phasons Formed on Si(100) Dimer Rows Observed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy(STM-Si(100))
- Dynamics of Phasoms; Phase Defects Formed on Dimer Rows and Related Structural Changes of the Si(100) Surface at 80 K Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Phase Transition between c(4 × 2) and p(2 × 2) Structures of the Si(100) Surface at 6 K Caused by the Fluctuation of Phase Defects on Dimer Rows due to Dimer Flip-Flop Motion
- Site-selective silicon adatom desorption using femtosecond laser pulse pairs and scanning tunneling microscopy
- Characteristic structures of the Si(111)-7×7 surface step studied by scanning tunneling microscopy
- Unprecedentedly Fast DNA Hydrolysis by the Synergism of the Cerium(IV)-Praseodymium(III)and the Cerium(IV)-Neodymium(III)Combinations^1
- 分子シャトルの実現 : 走査トンネル顕微鏡による分子操作(分子を超えた形と性質)
- Lattice Matching of α-Cyclodextrin Commensurate with Molybdenum Disulfide Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- 4.1 有機材料のSTM
- 希土類錯体の分子・電子構造と核酸の切断反応