Generation of intense ultrabroadband optical pulses by induced phase modulation in an argon-filled single-mode hollow Waveguide
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We experimentally demonstrate the generation of intense ultrabroadband optical pulses whose spectrum ranges from 300 to 1000 nm (700-THz bandwidth) with a well-behaved spectral phase and 23-μJ pulse energy by a novel, simple setup utilizing induced phase modulation (IPM) in an argon-filled single-mode hollow waveguide. Fundamental as well as second-harmonic pulses produced by one common femtosecond pulse from a Ti:sapphire laser-amplifier system are copropagated in the hollow waveguide. The effect of the delay time between the two input pulses on the IPM spectral broadening is clarified and confirmed to agree with the theoretical result. It is found that the compressed pulse duration from this pulse is 1.51 fs if its phase is completely compensated for.
- Optical Society of Americaの論文
- 2000-02-01
森田 隆二
重川 秀実
重川 秀実
Univ. Tsukuba Tsukuba
Shigekawa Hidemi
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Shigekawa Hidemi
Institute Of Applied Physics And Crest Japan Science And Technology Corporation (jst) University Of
森田 隆二
北大 大学院工学研究科
Morita Ryuji
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Karasawa Naoki
Core Research For Evolutional Science And Technology Japan Science And Technology Corporation:fucult
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