- 論文の詳細を見る
Thirty five patients with severe attacks of ulcerative colitis were treated with IIVR in 1973-89. According to the period, they were classified into 2 groups, namely the former (1973-80) and the latter (1981-89). Evaluating the therapeutic effect of IIVR at the end of the 7th day, 3 of 17 patients who belonged to the former were in clinical remission (Group A), 3 hardly had bloody stools (Group B), and 11 had several or more bleeds from the bowel (Group C). In the latter of 18' patients, the number of patients in Group A, B, C was 4, 2, and 12, respectively. All patients in Group C of the former were brought to emergency surgery, but 3 of them died. Although only 3 in Group C of the latter, who were unchanged, were brought to emergency surgery, the other 9 who showed clinical improvement were continued on the IIVR and 8 patients went into remission. There were no deaths in the latter.<BR>It was suggested that when a patient shows clinical improvement, even if he belongs to Group C, he does not always require emergency surgery.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
樋渡 信夫
豊田 隆謙
渡辺 晃
熊谷 裕司
山崎 日出雄
佐々木 高志
木村 光雄
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