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We investigated the effects of exogenous and endogenous glucagon on gastric emptying, small bowel transit time and plasma motilin concentration. An exogenous administration of glucagon and an intravenous administration of arginine caused a significantly slow gastric emptying, a significantly delayed small bowel transit and a significant decrease in plasma motilin concentration. An integrated incremental response of plasma glucagon during arginine infusion was highly correlated with a delayed gastric emptying and with a prologation of small bowel transit time, which suggested that endogenous glucagon also inhibited gastric emptying and small bowel transit. An increased blood glucose during glucagon or arginine infusion was considered to be little involved in a decrease in plasma motilin concentration and in a slow gastric emptying and a delayed small bowel transit.
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- III.The Prognosis of Cancer of the Colon and Rectum:with Special Reference to the Relative Survival Rate