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Blood typing has been recognized at the most useful technique for keeping of the exact registry of domestic animals in the world, and it has been already applied to the identification of individuals and parentage test for registry of racing horses (Thoroughbred and Anglo-Arab). However, in Japan, there has been no report published on the theoretical analysis in adaptation of each equine blood type systems. Therefore, this experiment has been undertaken to estimate gene frequencies of equine blood types, to clarify the usefulness of blood types as marker genes for identification of individuals and parentage test, to compare their theoretical efficacy with solving rates obtained in actual parentage tests, and thus to establish theoretical basis of utilizing efficacy of equine blood types. The results obtained are as follows: 1. Frequencies of Dcpf6 and Qa in Thoroughbred were 0.4370 and 0.5913, respectively, which were 10-20% higher than in Anglo-Arab. On the other hand, the frequency of Pau6 Anglo-Arab was 0.1551, which was 10% higher than in Thoroughbred. 2. In respect to gene frequencies of equine serum protein types, AlbA in Anglo-Arab was 0.3307, which was 10% higher than in Thoroughbred. While, AlbB in Thoroughbred was 0.7786 and it was 10% higher than in Anglo-Arab. 3. Equnine blood type systems which showed more than 50% probability of identification of individuals were D, P, Tf and Alb systems. The probability of distinguishing individuals calculated from all blood type systems was 0.9994. 4. When genotype of sire was not taken into account, average probabilities negating one of two possible sires by Db, Ua, Pa, U6 and Pf6 factors were 0.0819, 0.0817, 0.0726, 0.0697 and 0.0613 in the order of higher probability, respectively, which were similar to the order obtained in actually tested paternity cases. 5. Among 10 blood type systems, Tf system showed the highest value of average probability negating one of two possible sires. The probability of exclusions by all the systems, when genotype of sire was clarified was 0.8313. While, when his genotype was not taken into account, it was 0.7758. The latter value was similar to solving rate (0.7536) actually obtained in paternity cases.
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