亜熱帯照葉樹林におけるリターの研究 (1) ―ケイ酸塩岩石と琉球石灰岩地域における比較―
- 論文の詳細を見る
Litterfall was measured in the laurel forests of the northern and southern parts of Okinawa Island from September, 1992 to August, 1993. The northern part consists of silicate rock and the southern part consists of limestone. The dominant species are Castanopsis sieboldii in the northern part, but vary according to the area in the southern part. There were from 3 to 5 sampling points in each area. The sampling was done on a monthly basis in the northern part and every fifteen days (a half month) in the southern part.The average annual total litterfall was 6.59t/ha/yr in the northern part and 12.63t/ha/yr in the southern part. The pattern of monthly litterfall over time was a simple one in the Castanopsis sieboldii forest, and the monthly maximum litterfall appeared in March in all sampling points. However, the pattern of half monthly litterfall in the southern part was more complex as maximum litterfall varied among the sampling points and appeared from April to August.The ratio of annual leaf litter to annual total litter was 78.0% and 66.4% in each area, respectively. There was much leaf litter in the season after the development of new leaves and when atmospheric temperature became lower. In addition, the peak of leaf litter appeared in August in the southern part. The average ratios of branch, flower and fruit, and other litter to annual total litterfall were respectively 10.1 and 15.7%, 6.1 and 3.8%, and 5.9 and 14.2% in each area. The ratios of branch and other litter were larger in the southern part than in the northern part.The effects of wind and precipitation on the litterfall were discussed by comparing previous studies with this study.
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- 亜熱帯照葉樹林におけるリターの研究 (1) ―ケイ酸塩岩石と琉球石灰岩地域における比較―
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