- 論文の詳細を見る
Litterfall was measured in the laurel forest of Ozato village of the subtropical and limestone area in Okinawa Island, from June, 1994 to May, 1995. Dominant species in the layer I in three stations from the lower to the upper side of the same slope are respectively Ficus virgata, Cinnamomum pseudo-pedunculatum and Elaeocarpus sylvestris.Total litterfalls from the lower to the upper stations were respectively 1130, 1070 and 1310 g/m^2/yr. The average value was 1170g/m^2/yr, and it was 1.7 times larger than that in the forest of the silicate rock area during the same period in the same island. The litterfall in this forest seems to be considerably larger than that estimated from the relationship between litterfall and latitude.Some large and small peaks appeared in the total litterfall during 15 days from the last half of March to the last half of October.The ratio of leaf litter to the total litterfall was 60 to 70% in the three stations. The ratio of branch litter increased with altitude and those of fruit and other litters were the highest in the lower station.
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