学校の自律性・自己責任と地方教育行財政(地方教育行政の改革,I 年報フォーラム)
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There were three reforms of school management after World War II. First, the board of education system was established to decentralize authorities to prefectural and municipal level. Second, educational administration has been centralized since 1956. Third, education policies have pointed out the importance of self-management in schools, in particular, since the 1990s. Nowadays, the government tries to implement administration reform to realize decentralized public system. This reform drove the Ministry of Education to introduce Self-Managing Schools. The main idea of the third reform is to decentralize authorities and responsibilities for curriculum, personnel and finance to schools. Principal leadership, school accountability and parents' participation are also important. This reform changed the fundamentals of school management from administrative control to self-management. This is thus different from educational administration since 1956. Self-Managing Schools can be realized with discretion. A Curriculum Council proposed the enhancement of discretion in curriculum. General Studies is a good example. However, schools need the capability of developing curricula by using discretion effectively. Experts in curricula, called curriculum coordinators, will be essential. Discretion in personnel is also important to link staff structure with education programs. Teacher allocation should be made based on the principal's requests. Budgeting should also be decentralized to schools. The framework for resource allocation to schools should be used as a basic standard for funding formulae. Then, school-based budgeting should be introduced so that schools are able to link their own budget with staff structure and curriculum. Principals of Self-Managing Schools need to have high capability, vision and strategies so that they can use discretion for effective management and accountability. People with high management skills and leadership should be appointed principals regardless of his or her career background. It is a good idea to establish Master of Education Programs for school leaders that provide qualifications to be principals. The master programs provide future principals with opportunities to develop management skills. Regarding decision-making in schools, it has been said that democratic decision-making should be made through staff meetings. Democratic decision-making respects teachers' opinions rather than a principal's intention. As a result the principal feels hindered from making leadership decisions and implementing the school's management plans. In Self-Managing Schools, on the contrary, democratic decision-making is not appropriate and principals should be chief executive officers in the decision-making process, because the principal's leadership is essential to make strategies and motivate teachers seeking for accountability. Certainly staff meetings are important to derive opinions and ideas from teachers. However, it is better to give principals authority to make the final decision so that they can be true leaders. In addition, leadership by steering committees and senior teachers is important to implement the strategies. Self-Managing Schools must be accountable to not only the Board of Education but also parents. How schools use decentralized authorities, whether schools implemented the strategies, and what sort of outcomes schools brought will be reported and checked by parents. Parents will be able to be school observers. School observers will check management practices, discuss and come to agreement with the principal to assure accountability. The third reform will overcome the centralized educational administration. The range of the reform is not still enough. The Board of Education should not control schools. Then, schools will be held fully accountable. Theoretically, only national policies are required for Self-Managing Schools and, eventually, the roles of the Board of Education will be dramatically decreased.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
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