総括(教育経営学の再構築(3) : 新しい方法論の形成)
- 論文の詳細を見る
This year, the research promotion sub-committee reviewed uo-to-date research methodology in four fields such as education system, educational administration, school management and education law. Then, the sub-committee tried to shed light on new methodology in educational management. Educational management is essential for subsistence and development of human beings and society, and there is avariety of its phenomena. Therefore, we need to make an image and framework to clear up such a comolicated educational management. Professor Hayo directed his attention to the patterned system in a school or a local autonomous body with view of political dynamics and process. Dr. Aoki insisted that govenors or mayors commenced being involved in educational administration as a result of recent decentralization and deregulation. Professor Shinohara pointed out that central govemment began to intervene in education in school and family. However, he mentioned that there was a possibility of the new individual's rights such as the ones to choose or establish a school. Associate Professor Mizumoto pointed out that it became difficult for schools to justify their own existence and significance since schools' environment became complex and uncertain. Moreover he suggested that it became difficult to describe dynamics of school organization by rational or static perspective. As has been mentioned, four academics examined validity and relevance of methodology in educational management. The argument was fresh and valuable since this kind of development makes the foundation of educational management studies. It is also important for researchers to have their own research frameworks. With such frameworks, we can make new research field and refine methodology. However, a connection between methodology and educational management has not been fully made clear. With clear concent of educational management, the connection should be described more clearly.
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