教育における国家の責任の国際比較 : テーマ設定の趣旨と討議の総括(まとめ,課題研究1 教育における国家の責任の国際比較,VI課題研究)
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The first research topic of JEAS is "Government's Responsibility for Education" which tries to analyze recent changes of government's responsibility for education or relationships between government and education. Two years ago, we have discussed historical development of government's responsibility for education. Last year, "International Comparison of Government's Responsibility for Education" has been chosen as a topic of discussion because government's responsibility for education has been changing internationally. UK, USA and China was chosen to make clear common and different points in government's responsibility for education. By doing so, we would like to find out fundamental nature of changing educational administration after 2000 and research subjects of educational administration. Common points of education reforms among UK, USA and China were deregulation, introduction of market and enhancing diversity, which were based on privatization of education. On the other hand, process, degree, speed, factors and structure were different. For instance, British government introduced market mechanism and national curriculum simultaneously. China government promoted market among schools although compulsory education was not completely achieved. Professor Sakaki (Nagoya University) reported education reform in UK, Professor Takano (Hosei University) reported education reform in USA and Associate Professor Shinohara (Kyusyu University) reported education reform in China. The reports and discussion can be summarized as follows. First issue in the discussion was value or benefit of education for government, which was related to centralization and decentralization of authorities in the field of education. In China, reforms such as decentralization of educational administration and introduction of market were implemented. Although it was said that responsibility for compulsory education was decentralized to regional level, it was not clear whether responsibility for curriculum policy was also decentralized to regional level. In UK and USA, schools have discretion to develop and implement curriculum within curriculum standards framework set up by government. Quality of the schools was intended to be assured through market mechanism and accountability framework based on contract. Second issue in the discussion was policy framework of educational administration. Decentralization, market, privatization, school self-management, school governance, accountability, evaluative nation and quality control were key words. Government needs to take a responsibility for financial assistance and school evaluation to enhance accountability. This is basic idea of recent education reform. Lastly, it might be important issue how we can design relationships between value or benefit of education for government and policy framework of educational administration. Professor Mikami (Kobe University) gave a question about this point. "Associate Professor Shinohara said that China government needed to develop her own philosophy which is different from capitalism. Such a proposition is, however, not compatible with introduction of market in China." Associate Professor Shinohara answered that young researchers have already been exploring what sort of educational philosophy would be possible with introduction of market mechanism. Furthermore, he said that education and training would be more important to meet with internationalization of employment and human resource, and quality control of school education thus would be new responsibility for government. I think that this was important perspective for further research.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
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- 教育における国家の責任の国際比較 : テーマ設定の趣旨と討議の総括(まとめ,課題研究1 教育における国家の責任の国際比較,VI課題研究)
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