生薬の生物活性成分に関する研究 : 白朮および蒼朮の薬理学的品質評価(第2報)
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Baizhu and Changzhu, prepared from different original plants and containing different chemical constituents, are often used indiscriminatingly in Chinese medicine. Because their pharmacological effects have not fully been studied. In this paper the two crude drugs were tested for their detoxication effect on CCl_4-induced liver damage in mice. Atractylon in Baizhu was found to possess detoxication action. Both of the crude drugs are used also for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorder: Atractylodin in Changzhu was found to be mainly responsible for cholagogue effect shown by the drug.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1983-03-20
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- 没薬 (ググール) エキスとその含有成分のマウス・アジュバント誘発肉芽腫に対する抗炎症作用
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