- 論文の詳細を見る
Freezing adaptation and the injurious mechanisms of biology are diverse. Upon freezing of extracellular water in biological system, chilling sensitive plant cells are subjected to intracellular freezing due to lack of barrier property against penetration of extracellular ice through both cell walls and chilling-injured plasma membranes. Similar property of cell walls and plasma membranes which allow for extracellular ice penetration exists in central tissues of dormant bud in cold-hardy boreal trees. Thus, in such dormant buds, extraorgan freezing occurs to avoid formation of extracellular ice in adjacent with the central tissue cells. In the most biological cells, on the other hand, plasma membranes as well as cell walls become barrier against penetration of extracellular ice producing extracellular freezing. In extracellular freezing, there are two types of mechanisms to produce injury. One type is injury caused by direct effects of freezing-induced concentrated solutions. Such type of injury, furthermore, may divide into two cases, injury which occurs even during very fast non-equilibrium freezing (at cooling rates faster than minute level) and injury which occurs by very long time (more than day level) at equilibrium freezing. The former case is injury during cryopreservation in freezing sensitive cells and latter case is injury during long time exposure to freezing under high subzero temperatures even in cold-hardy plants. Exposure of cells in such concentrated solutions produced diverse kinds of ultrastructural changes in plasma membranes which closely related on occurrence of injury. Second type of injury by extracellular freezing is produced by physical effect due to cellular shrinkage by dehydration as well as due to cellular deformation by growth of extracellular ice crystals. Such extracellular freezing-induced physical effects produced membrane fusion in plasma membranes as a serious cause of injury. The most useful protective mechanism to prevent membrane fusions by such physical effects of extracellular freezing is accumulation of compartible solutes including cryoprotectants in case of cryopreservation. Upon formation of extracellular ice, some of cells in trees that develop thick and rigid cell walls are not affected by the presence of extracellular ice and keep liquid state of intracellular water by supercooling to very low temperatures for long time periods without dehydration. Such cells keeping supercooling accumulate supercooling-promoting diverse kinds of polyphenols.
- 2012-04-15
- 7. 細胞表面に活性型GP IIb/IIIaと機能性GP Ibを持つ凍結乾燥血小板(平成12年度第46回低温生物工学会研究報告)
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- 3. ガラス状凍結保存のメカニズムに関する研究 : 原形質膜の微細構造(平成3年度第37回凍結及び乾燥研究会研究報告)
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- 21. 樹木木部柔細胞の深過冷却をもたらすと考えられている細胞壁マイクロキャピラリーサイズを解析する試み(第49回低温生物工学会研究報告)
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- 3.樹木の凍結抵抗性 : 凍らない水(セミナー「低温と生物・食品」)
- 9. 樹木細胞における水分分布の季節変化(セミナー : 生物・食品と水)
- 9. 氷核活性物質の探索(平成6年度第40回低温生物工学会研究報告)
- 4. CRYO-SEM,フリーズ・レプリカによる凍結傷害発生機構の研究(平成元年度第35回凍結及び乾燥研究会研究報告)
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- 植物細胞の深過冷却現象およびそのメカニズム(セミナー「生物の凍結及び凍結回避の分子機構」)
- 19. シラカンバ木部組織において季節的低温馴化によって誘導される細胞外蛋白質の解析(第49回低温生物工学会研究報告)
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- 6. 低温馴化によるシラカンバ木部放射柔細胞の細胞壁の変化(平成11年度第45回低温生物工学会研究報告)
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- 細胞の凍結傷害
- 1. 樹木の凍裂発生機構の研究(平成5年度第39回凍結及び乾燥研究会研究報告)
- 4. マウス胚の一段ガラス化保存のメカニズム(平成4年度第38回凍結及び乾燥研究会研究報告)
- 低温走査電子顕微鏡における凍結法の吟味
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- 5. 植物の凍結温度への適応機構(セミナー「低温環境への植物の適応-基礎と応用」)
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- 生物の凍結に関する基礎研究
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- CRYO-99に参加して
- 植物 : 超長期凍結保存の機構
- 2. ガラス化保存 : ガラス保存過程における生物細胞の挙動(セミナー「ビトリフィケーション」)
- 凍結に植物細胞はどのように適応するか
- 低温走査電子顕微鏡による樹木柔細胞の低温挙動の研究
- カツラ冬芽の細胞の凍結挙動
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