Nutrient and Chl. a distributions in surface waters of Lake Baikal before and after the thermal stratification development
- 論文の詳細を見る
Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), ammonia, nitrite+nitrate and Chl. a were measured in 24 surface waters from southern Lake Baikal in June 2002, while those in 17 surface water samples from southern and partly central Lake Baikal were determined in August of the same year. Water temperatures indicated that these two months were before and after the thermal stratification development, respectively. SRP and nitrite+nitrate decreased significantly and Chl. a, dominated by the <10 μ m fraction, increased 3-fold from June to August, while a similar low level of ammonia was recorded in these two months. Averages and standard deviations in June were 0.18±0.04 μ mol l-1 for SRP, 0.2±0.1 μ mol l-1 for ammonia, 3.3±0.7 μ mol l-1 for nitrite+nitrate and 0.6±0.1 μ g l-1 for Chl. a. Those in August were trace for SRP, 0.3±0.1 μ mol l-1 for ammonia, 0.4±0.1 μ mol l-1 for nitrite+nitrate and 1.7±0.5 μ g l-1 for Chl. a. These results suggest that SRP and nitrite+nitrate were supplied to the surface from deeper waters by seasonal mixing and taken up by phytoplankton during the development of thermal stratification. On the other hand, the distribution of ammonia in the surface water was independent from water movements, suggesting that the ammonia uptake and regeneration was in equilibrium at such a low concentrations throughout the year.
- 2011-02-15
田中 祐志
片野 俊也
杉山 雅人
DRUCKER Valentin
Limnological Institute, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences
佐藤 泰哲
Faculty of Science, Yamagata University
中野 伸一
Cmes Ehime University
上野 裕之
Cmes Ehime University
片野 俊也
Cimes Ehime University
佐藤 健
Faculty of Science, Yamagata University
但木 優介
Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University
渡辺 泰徳
Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University
上野 裕之
CMES, Ehime University
中野 伸一
CMES, Ehime University
安佛 かおり
School of Enviromental Science, University of Shiga Prefecture
紀平 征希
School of Enviromental Science, University of Shiga Prefecture
三田村 緒左武
School of Enviromental Science, University of Shiga Prefecture
田中 祐志
Department of Ocean Science, Tokyo University of Fisheries
三村 徹郎
Faculty of Science, Nara Women's University
杉山 雅人
Graduate School of Human Enviromental Studies, Kyoto University
佐藤 泰哲
Faculty Of Science Yamagata University
佐藤 健
Faculty Of Science Yamagata University
三田村 緒左武
School Of Enviromental Science University Of Shiga Prefecture
Sugiyama Masahito
Faculty Of Integrated Human Studies Kyoto University
杉山 雅人
Graduate School Of Human Enviromental Studies Kyoto University
Sugiyama Masahito
Graduate School Of Human And Environmental Studies Kyoto University
渡辺 泰徳
Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
田中 祐志
Department Of Ocean Science Tokyo University Of Fisheries
三田村 緒佐武
School Of Enviromental Science University Of Shiga Prefecture
三村 徹郎
Faculty Of Science Nara Women's University
安佛 かおり
School Of Enviromental Science University Of Shiga Prefecture
但木 優介
Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Drucker Valentin
Limnological Institute Siberian Branch Of The Academy Of Sciences
Drucker Valentin
Limnological Institute Siberian Branch Russian Academy Of Science
紀平 征希
School Of Enviromental Science University Of Shiga Prefecture
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