- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-08-21
- 超高分解能FT-ICRMSを用いたバイカル湖水中未同定溶存有機物の解明
- Recent Treds in Organic Matter Studies in Freshwater Environments
- Abundance and composition of the summer phytoplankton community along a transect from the Barguzin River to the central basin of Lake Baikal
- Abundance and pigment type composition of picocyanobacteria in Barguzin Bay, Lake Baikal
- Nutrient and Chl. a distributions in surface waters of Lake Baikal before and after the thermal stratification development
- 調和型湖沼琵琶湖に溶存する有機炭素の化学及び物理化学的特質について
- 平常期と異常多雨並びに少雨期における琵琶湖水中の化学成分
- 水酸化鉄(III)によるカルボン酸並びにその類縁化合物の捕集と構造化学的体系化
- 沿岸海域のアルカリ度
- Nutrient limitation of the primary production of phytoplankton in Lake Baikal
- Distribution of dissolved organic carbon in lakes of different trophic types
- Sensitive Spectrophotometric Determination of Phosphate Using Silica-Gel Collectors
- Environmental chemistry of rivers and lakes, Part Vll. Fractionation by calculation of suspended particulate matter in Lake Biwa into three types of particles of different origins
- Vertical planktonic structure in the central basin of Lake Baikal in summer 1999, with special reference to the microbial food web
- 第77回日本分析化学会有機微量分析研究懇談会・第83回計測自動制御学会力学量計測部会第27回合同シンポジウム
- 淡水中の懸濁粒子
- 高速液体クロマトグラフィーによる環境中の有機物質の分析
- Environmental chemistry of rivers and lakes, part v: a comparative study of the chemical and physicochemical characteristics of organic carbon dissolved in river and lake waters
- 水中懸濁物質の多元素同時定量
- Distributions of pH and chemical components in Mizorogaike, a pond with a floating-mat bog
- Seasonal variation of dissolved aluminum concentration in harmonic-type Lake Biwa, Japan
- 超高分解能FT-ICRMSを用いたバイカル湖水中未同定溶存有機物の解明
- 本邦河川水中の自然レベルウラン濃度
- 層状複水酸化物の分析化学的応用