- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, first of all, garbage would be divided in two. One of them is "industry garbage (garbage generating from, industrial activities)". The other of them is "homegarbage (garbage generating from consumption, of goods at home)". The mechanism of generation of the two kinds of garbages are explained using an interindustry table. When we denote the total quantity of the products of the i th industry by X_i and the final demand of the products of the i th industry by F_i, the quantity of the industry garbage of the i th industry G_i and that of the home garbage-from the final demand of the i th industry H_i would be expressed by the following, equations. G_i=γ_i X_i H_i=φ_i F_i where γ_i and φ_i are the parameters. Similarly, we can discuss the mechanism of the generation of regional industry garbage and home garbage using an interregional interindustry table. As the activities of production become more active and final demands increase, the quantities of the garbages will increase. Therefore, the scientific design of disposal of the garbage will be needed. The cost of transportation of garbages-from the place where the garbages generateto the place of disposal of them is the important part of the total cost of disposal of garbages. Therefore, minimizing the cost of the transportation will contribute to the economy of the total cost of disposal of garbages. The minimizing the cost of the transportation can be done by the design of the transportation using the principle of linear programming. In the problem of the transportation of garbages, in general, the total cost of the transportation C is minimized subject to Σ^^N__<j=1> W_<ij>=g_i (i=1,2,……,M) Σ^^M__<i=1>W_<ij>≦h_i(i=1,2,……,N) W_<ij>≧0 (i=1,……,M;j=1,……,N) where C=Σ^^N__<j=1>Σ^^M__<t=1>C_<ij>W_<ij>,W_<ij>is the quantity of garbages from the i th place where the garbages (industry garbage, home garbage, or both) generate to the j th place where the garbages are disposed, g_i is the quantity of generation of garbages at the i th. place, h_i is the quantity of disposal of garbages at the j th place, and M and N are the last numbers of i and j, respectively. Based upon these expressions, the design of the garbages under two kinds of unusual circumstances (the circumstances in which accidents at the places of disposal of garbages and heavy conjestions on the routs of transportation of garbages appear) are discussed. Moreover, the mechanism of the appearance of the unusual circumstances is examined by the principle of the stochastic process. Lastly, the reasonable dseign for determining some new places of disposal of garbages are discussed. In these discussions, I formulated the mechanism of generation of garbages, the design of disposal of garbages under an usual or unusual circumstances, and the choice of the new places for disposal of garbages using some mathematical expressions.
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