24aTE-7 リラクサ強誘電体固溶体の圧電特性に於ける品質係数Qからのドメインスイッチング(誘電体(リラクサー),領域10,誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2007-08-21
大和 英弘
安田 直彦
岩田 真
Ishibashi Y
石橋 善弘
Rahman Md.M.
鈴木 里司
山下 洋八
岩田 真
Itoh Masakazu
Department Of Energy Engineering And Science Nagoya University
Yasuda Naoki
Department Of Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
岩田 真
Yasuda Naoki
Advanced Tech. R/d Center Mitsubishi Electric Co. Ltd.
Ohwa Hidehiro
Electronic And Information Engineering Department Gifu University
Iwata M
Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd. Yokohama Jpn
Ishibashi Yoshihiro
Business Communication Research Institute Aichi Shukutoku University
Itoh Yuuki
Electrical And Electronic Engineering Department Gifu University
Yasuda Naohiko
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Gifu University
Ishibashi Y
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.
- 20pHS-12 Ordered-Pb(In_Nb_)O_3のX線非弾性散乱実験(20pHS 誘電体(リラクサー),領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン))
- 19pxA-10 リラクサ-Pb(In_Nb_)O_3のフォノン観測(誘電体(リラクサー),領域10,誘導体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性)
- 20pHS-7 ブリジマン法で作製されたBi-O格子欠陥によるrandom fieldに基づくリラクサ固溶体Na_Bi_TiO_3-BaTiO_3単結晶の圧電特性(20pHS 誘電体(リラクサー),領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン))
- 27aYJ-12 リラクサ強誘電体固溶体NBTBTに於ける格子欠陥に基ずく誘電・圧電特性(誘電体(リラクサー),領域10,誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性)
- 30aRF-5 リラクサ強誘電体固溶体の圧電応答に於けるナノツインドメインの電界誘起分極反転(30aRF 誘電体(リラクサー),領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性))
- 23pYE-6 MPB近傍でのリラクサ強誘電体固溶体PMNTの圧電・誘電応答に及ぼす圧力誘起自由エネルギ変化の影響(誘電体(リラクサー関連),領域10,誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性)
- 19pXA-8 MPB近傍のリラクサ強誘電体固溶体の圧電応答への外力の効果(誘電体(リラクサー),領域10,誘導体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性)
- 24aTE-3 (1-x)Pb(In_Nb_)O_3-xPbTiO_3混晶の相転移(誘電体(リラクサー),領域10,誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性)
- 24aTE-7 リラクサ強誘電体固溶体の圧電特性に於ける品質係数Qからのドメインスイッチング(誘電体(リラクサー),領域10,誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性)
- 21aXA-2 Bi_4Ti_3O_の分極反転II(誘電体(ペロブスカイト),領域10,誘導体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性)
- 23pZD-5 Bi_4Ti_3O_の分極反転(23pZD 誘電体,領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性))
- 28aXK-3 AFMによるPZN-PT混晶のドメインウォール観察(誘電体)(領域10)
- 30pXJ-3 AFM によるリラクサー Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 混晶のドメイン観察
- 23pWY-11 リラクサ強誘電体固溶体NBTBTでのドメイン構造と誘電特性(23pWY マルチフェロイック・リラクサー,領域10(誘電体格子欠陥,X線・粒子線フォノン))
- Spatial Distribution of the B-site Inhomogeneity in an as-grown Pb(In_Nb_)O_3 Single Crystal Studied by a Complementary Use of X-ray and Neutron Scatterings(Condensed Matter : Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- 15p-J-10 反強誘電体リン酸ベタインにおける電界誘起強誘電相転移に伴う誘電分散(II)
- 28aXD-9 リラクサ強誘電体固溶体PZNT,PMNTの圧電特性への圧力効果(28aXD 誘電体,領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性))
- 28aXD-12 Pb(In_Nb_)O_3のX線・中性子散乱(28aXD 誘電体,領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性))
- Pressure Dependence of Piezoelectric Properties of Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 Binary System Single Crystal near a Morphotropic Phase Boundary
- Effect-of Electric Fields on Domain Structure and Dielectric Properties of Pb(ln_Nb_)0_3-PbTi0_3 near Morphotropic Phase Boundary
- Crystal Growth and Some Properties of Lead Indium Niobate-Lead Titanate Single Crystals Produced by Solution Bridgman Method
- Domain Observation in Pb[(Zn_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 Mixed Crystals
- Raman Scattering in (1-x)Pb(Mg_Nb_)O_3-xPbTiO_3
- Raman Scattering In (1 - X)Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_PbTiO_3 Mixed Crystal System II
- Crystal Growth and Dielectric Properties of Solid Solutions of Pb(Yb_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 with a High Curie Temperature near a Morphotropic Phase Boundary
- 19aWE-10 リラクサ強誘電体Pb(In_Nb_)O_3のアニール効果
- Effect of Pressure on Ionic Conductivity in Superionic Conductors KAg4I5 and NH4Ag4I5
- Hole Trapping and Detrappirug Characteristics Investigated by Substrate Hot-Hole Injection into Oxide of Metal-Oxide-Semiconduetor Structure
- Hot-Hole-Induced Interface State Generation in p-Channel MOSFETs with Thin Gate Oxide
- Evaluation of Spatial Distribution of Hole Traps Using Depleted Gate MOSFETs
- Analytical Device Model of SOI MOSFETs Including Self-Heating Effect
- Spatial Distribution of Trapped Holes in the Oxide of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors after Uniform Hot-Hole Injection
- Existence of Double-Charged Oxide Traps in Submicron MOSFET's (SOLID STATE DEVICES AND MATERIALS 1)
- Interface State Generation Mechanism in MOSFET's during Substrate Hot-Electron Injection : Special Section : Solid State Devices and Materials 2 : Silicon Devices and Process Technologies
- Monte Carlo Study of Hot Electron Transport in Quantum Wells : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Fundamental Characteristics of Wind Power Generation in Gifu District
- 26a-J-5 強誘電性液晶の誘電的光学的特性と圧力効果
- 23aYQ-10 (1-x)Pb(Mg_Nb_)O_3-xPbTiO_3のラマン散乱
- 23aYQ-9 (1-X)Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-xPbTiO_3混晶のラマン散乱II
- 26a-A-2 リラクサー(1-x)Pb(Mg_W_)O_3-xPbTiO_3の誘電特性
- 30p-YD-10 リラクサー(1-x)Pb(Mg_W_)O_3-xPbTiO_3の非線型誘電率
- 3p-C-12 {N(CH_3)_4}_2XCl_4(X:Co.Zn.Fe.Ni.Mn.Cu)の逐次相転移への圧力効果 III
- Liquid-Solid Hybrid Systemによる超高圧力下の無機塩(KNO2,NaNO2,CaCO3)の誘電特性
- Pressure Dependence of Dielectric Properties of Some Inorganic Salts
- 5p-AA-5 {N(CH_3)_4}_2XCl_4(X:Co,Zn,Fe,Mn,Cu)の逐次相転移への圧力効果I
- 6p-F-12 X線によるPb(In_Nb_)O_3の相転移(II)
- 31a-B-8 X線によるPb(In_Nb_)O_3の相転移
- 31a-B-7 Pb(IN_Nb_)O_3の誘電特性(P-E履歴曲線)
- 9p-N-1 NH_4IO_3の相転移への圧力効果
- 25aX-11 (1-x)Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-xPbTiO_3混晶のラマン散乱
- Lidar Network System for Monitoring the Atmospheric Environment in Jakarta City
- 26aYJ-7 リラクサPb(Mg_Nb_)O_3の電機光学応答
- 26aYJ-6 PbIn_Nb_O_3の相転移温度分布の観察
- 26aYJ-5 (1-x)Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-xPbTiO_3混晶の濃度温度相図
- 20pYM-6 Bi_4Ti_3O_の相転移(誘電体,領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性))
- Piezoelectric Properties of a High Curie Temperature Pb(In_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 Binary System Single Crystal near a Morphotropic Phase Boundary
- Domain Wall Structure in Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3-Mixed Crystals by Atomic Force Microscopy
- X-Ray Diffraction Study of Domain Reversal in Relaxor Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3 : Condensed Matter: Structure, etc.
- Raman Scattering in(1 - x)Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-XPbTiO_3 Mixed Crystal System
- Temperature Dependence of Piezoelectric Properties of a High Curie Temperature Pb(In_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 Binary System Single Crystal near a Morphotropic Phase Boundary
- Observation of the Distribution of the Transition Temperature in PbIn_Nb_O_3 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Dielectric Properties of Solid Solutions (1-x)Pb(Sc_Ta_)O_PbZrO_3 (0 < x < 1)
- 26aYJ-9 X線によるリラクサー(1-x)Pb(Mg_Nb_)O_3-xPbTiO_3の電場効果の観察
- 26aYJ-8 X線回折によるリラクサーPb(Zn_Nb_)O_3の分域変化の観察
- An Improved Method for Wind Measurements with a Conical-Scanning Correlation Lidar
- 30a-YD-11 BaTi_(1-x)Sn_xO_3の相転移への圧力効果
- 30a-YD-10 BaTi_1-xZrxO_3のラマン散乱 I
- 29a-YK-8 BaTi_Zr_xO_3の相転移への圧力効果
- Pressure-Induced Structural Phase Transition from Relaxor Phase to Antiferroelectric Phase in Disordered Pd (In_Nb_)O_3
- X-Ray Diffraction Study of Pressure-Induced Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Relaxor-Pb (In_Nb_)O_3
- The Temperature and Pressure Dependence of the Dielectric Properties of Disordered and Ordered Pb (In_Nb_)O_3 Single Crystals
- Pressure-Induced Dielectric Change from Relaxor to Antiferroelectric Behavior in Disordered Pb (In_1/2Nb1/2)O_3
- X-Ray Study of Phase Transitions in PbIn_1/2O_3
- 31a-BD-13 Squaric acid H_2C_4O_4 の相転移への圧力効果
- 30a-ZR-8 鉛系複合ペロブスカイトPb(B_B'_)O_3(B=In, Yb;B7=Nb, Ta)の誘電特性に及ぼすB, B'の配列秩序性の効果
- 6a-J-4 一軸性圧力下の蟻酸銅四水和物の誘電特性
- 5p-K-12 静水圧下におけるRbNO_3の誘電的性質
- 29p-YR-13 (CH_3)_2NH_2Al(SO_4)_2・6H_2O(DMAAS)の誘電特性に及ぼす圧力効果
- 1p-A-8 反強誘電体リン酸ベタインにおける電界誘起強誘電相転移に伴う誘電分散
- 28p-ZC-4 複合ペロブスカイトPb(In_Yb_Ta_)O_3(x=0〜1)の誘電特性
- Considerations in Dielectric Properties of Iodinated Trissarcosine Calcium Chloride under Pressure
- Dielectric Properties of Quenched KNO3 Thin Film
- Dielectric Loss Tangent of Trissarcosine Calcium Chloride under Hydrostatic Pressure
- High-Power Ferroelectric Limiter
- 2a GG-9 {N(CH_3)_4}_2XCl_4 (X:Co, Zn, Fe, Ni, Mn, Cu) の逐次相転移への圧力効果 II
- 強誘電体CsH2PO4の圧力誘起反強誘電性
- 3a-AA-1 強誘電体CsH_2PO_4における圧力誘起反強誘電性
- 1a-BD-4 NH_4LiSO_4 の相転移への圧力効果
- 反強誘電体蟻酸銅四水和物の誘電特性に及ぼす圧力効果
- 高静水圧力下における反強誘電体蟻酸銅の誘電的性質
- Phenomenological Treatment of Antiferroelectric Transition under Hydrostatic Pressure
- 30p-YD-15 (1-x)Pb(In_1/2Nb_1/2)O_3-xPbZrO_3混晶の誘電分散
- 30p-YD-14 RelaxorPb(In_1/2Nb_1/2)O_3とPbZrO_3との固溶体の相転移への圧力効果
- 21pGN-4 リラクサ強誘電体単結晶のミクロンからナノスケールでのドメイン構造(21pGN リラクサー・光散乱,領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン))
- 21pGN-3 Pb(In_Nb_)O_3のドメイン構造に与えるBサイトランダムネスの効果(21pGN リラクサー・光散乱,領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン))
- 2p-YF-11 Relaxor Pb(In_Nb_)O_3とPbZrO_3との固溶体の相転移
- 反強誘電体における電界誘起強誘電相転移に伴う誘電物性
- 20aAR-7 Polingに伴うドメイン構造変化がリラクサ強誘電体の誘電特性に及ぼす効果(20aAR 誘電体(水素結合/硫安系他,リラクサー,ペロフスカイト),領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン))
- 27aXZB-9 リラクサPIN-PMN-PT(001)板での[001]軸方向に沿う応力による分極反転に伴うドメイン構造の変化(27aXZB 誘電体(水素結合系,TGS他,リラクサー),領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン))
- タイトル無し