- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, it was divided into 2 groups by the presence of the food experience of the tablet which mixed Capparis Masaikai (MT), and the sensory evaluation of the tablet of improvement (K-MT) were carried out among the young women, and the effect of the improvement was examined. As the result, the group (S-W group) with the food experience of MT showed the tendency in which K-MT was higher than MT for the evaluation of sweetness, refreshingness, moisture sensation, the time in which sweetness and moisture sensation continued were long, and it was shown that bitterness and astringent taste shorten. In addition, the significance could not be accepted on the preference of the taste under the group (F-W group) without the food experience of MT between K-MT and MT, and the time in which sweetness and moisture sensation continued was long, and it was shown that bitterness and astringent taste shorten. But the total evaluation was also low on tasting and after for the K-MT. From this result, there seemed to be a necessity of improving evaluation of the preference of taste of K〜MT. It was shown that sweetness and moisture sensation were long and that the duration of bitterness and astringent taste shortened as an effect of the improvement of MT. The time in which sweetness and moisture sensation continued was long, and it was shown that bitterness and astringent taste shorten as an effect of the improvement of MT.
- 和洋女子大学の論文
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