84(P16) バンコマイシン耐性菌(VRE)に有効なマルチバレントポリマーの合成(ポスター発表の部)
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The history of the fight against infectious bacteria centers around the recurring problem of drug resistance. For example, the evolution of MRSA (methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), which resists almost all established antibiotics, is now a serious worldwide problem. Currently the only viable treatment for MRSA is vancomycin. However, VRE (vancomycin resistant enterococci) has emerged, and the possibility of this resistance being transferred to S. aureus is a cause of major concern. Although much effort has been put forth to locate new antibiotics, no alternatives to vancomycin-class glycopeptides have been found. Thus, novel strategies to modify the glycopeptides to enhance their potency against VRE are in great demand. We describe herein our preliminary attempts to enhance the potency of vancomycin-class antibiotics against VRE by the formation of vancomycin-based polymers(Figure 1). A multivalent polymer 3 of vancomycin, which was synthesized via ring-opening-metathesis-polymerization (ROMP), exhibited significant (8 to 60 fold) enhancement of antibacterial activity against vancomycin-resistant enterococi (VRE) with retention of practical MIC values against S. aureus and Enterococci. The reason for the marked differences in potency between 2 and 3 is not clear at this stage, but may be due either to the polymer weight distributions or to the substructural difference of each polymer. These results suggest that polyvalent polymers may be promising tools in the fight against multi-resistant bacteria.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1999-09-01
上村 大輔
有本 博一
早川 一郎
有本 博一
絹見 朋也
西村 和也
西島 学
絹見 朋也
Uemura Daisuke
Faculty Of Liberal Arts Shizuoka University
上村 大輔
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