55(P13) 重水素ラベルジャスモン酸類、ツベロン酸、ツベロン酸グルコシドの合成とその定量分析、生合成研究への応用(ポスター発表の部)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Tuber development of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) was controlled by environmental factors, mainly by photoperiods. Short days stimulate this process, but long days have opposite effect against this process. This means potato plants distinguish the day length. But it is still unknown the relationships between day length and potato tuber inducing compounds, jasmonic acid (JA), 12-hydroxyjasmonic acid (tuberonic acid, TA), and tuberonic acid glucoside (TAG), since there is no qualitative and quantitative analysis method for these compounds. The synthesis of deuterium labeled TAG, TA, JA, (1R, 2R) 3-ox-2-(2'-pentenyl)-cyclopentanebutanoic acid (OPC 4: 0), (1R 2R) 3-oxo-2-(2'-pentenyl)-cyclopentanehexanoic acid (OPC 6: 0), and (1R, 2R) 3-oxo-2-(2'-pentenyl)-cyclopentaneoctanoic acid (OPC 8: 0) were accomplished. The qualitative and quantitative analysis for the endogenous jasmonides was carried out using these compounds as internal standards and monitoring by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC-SIM). This methodology was applied to estimate the endogenous jasmonides, TAG, TA, JA, OPC 4: 0, OPC 6: 0, and OPC 8: 0, in potato plant. The contents of TAG, TA, JA in the leaflets of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Irish Cobbler) which were harvested in July, Hokkaido, were estimated to be 7-5μg/1g leaflets, 170-100 ng/1g leaflets and 20-10ng/1g leaflets, respectively, and those of OPC 4: 0, OPC 6: 0, OPC 8: 0 to be below ng level/1g leaflets. The contents of TAG of the leaflets of potato which grown under long and short day conditions were analyzed, respectively, by means of this developed methodology. The contents of TAG were higher in the leaflets grown under long days than in those grown in short days. It is suggested that the short day condition might stimulate the transportation of jasmonids from leaflets to the other parts. The bio-synthetic pathway for TA and TAG was established in the first time because the deuterium leveled JA and OP 8: 0 were converted to TAG in the cultures on single-node segments of potato stem in vitro.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1998-08-31
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