Difference in the activity of rRNA genes localized on chromosomes 15 and 23 in oriental frost bat, Vespertilio superans
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Karyotype of seven specimens of oriental frost bats, Vespertilio superans, showed 2n=38 with the arm number (FN) of 50. Chromosomes 15 and 23 showed nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) located at secondary constriction. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with rRNA gene probe mapped the rRNA genes on the sites of NORs in the Nos. 15 and 23. However, Ag-NORs appeared differently in homologous chromosomes of No. 15 and No. 23. The No. 15 pair showed a high frequency of Ag-NORs in all individuals (mean, 1.9), while Ag-NORs in No. 23 showed variable numbers among individuals (mean, 1.2) where only one chromosome per cell is stained. Although there appeared to be no sex or age difference associated with the presence of Ag-NORs, one specimen showed variation in the number of Ag-NORs between bone marrow and cultured fibroblasts giving a value approximately 3 times higher in bone marrow than that in fibroblasts, indicating occurrence of intraindividual variation of Ag-NORs. Despite of the intraindividual variation, it suggests difference in regulation of rRNA gene activity between Nos. 15 and 23 pairs and also between homologous chromosomes in No. 23. The Ag-NOR pattern can provide useful cytogenetic information for karyotypic evolution in vespertilionid bats.
Ono Takao
Chromosome Research Unit Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University:department Of Genetics Institute For
Yoshida Michihiro
Chromosome Res. Unit Fac. Sci.:lab. Cytogenet. Grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci. Hokkaido Univ.
Yoshida M
Hokkaido Univ. Hokkaido Jpn
Yoshida Michihiro
Chromosome Research Unit Faculty Of Science Hokkaido Univerysity Laboratory Of Cytogenetics Division
Yoshida Michihiro
Chromosome Research Unit Faculty Of Science:graduate School Of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido
Yoshida M
Chromosome Research Unit Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
Yoshida Michihiro
Department Of Gastroenterology And Metabolism Nagoya City University Graduate School Of Medical Scie
Yoshida Michihiro
Chromosome Res. Unit Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.
Yoshida Michihiro
Chromosome Research Unit Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University:laboratory Of Cytogenetics Graduate
Yoshida Michihiro
Chromosome Res. Unit Fac Sci. Hokkaido Univ.
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