THz Electromagnetic Wave Radiation from Bulk Semiconductor Microcavities Excited by Short Laser Pulses : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2002-03-01
山西 正道
山西 正道
山西 正道
Department Of Quantum Matter Graduate School Of Advanced Sciences Of Matter Hiroshima University
Department of Quantum Matter, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University
Department of Quantum Matter, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University
Department of Quantum Matter, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University
Yutaka Kadoya
Department Of Quantum Matter Graduate School Of Advanced Sciences Of Matter Hiroshima University
Kadoya Yutaka
Department Of Materials Processing Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Kadoya Yutaka
Department Of Quantum Matter Adsm Hiroshima University
Yamanishi Masamichi
Department Of Physical Electronics Hiroshima University
Yamanishi Masamichi
Department Of Electrical Engineering College Of Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Sakurada Toshiya
Department Of Quantum Matter Graduate School Of Advanced Sciences Of Matter Hiroshima University
- 28pXK-9 キャリアがドープされた12CaO・7Al_2O_3(C12A7)のTHz時間領域分光(領域10,領域5合同 : 誘電体の光制御・光学応答)(領域10)
- 27pXD-9 THz-時間領域分光法によるCeNiSnの複素電気伝導度(価数転移,少数キャリアー)(領域8)
- 23aYK-4 ターンスタイル素子による相関を持った2光子の発生
- 24aA-7 LEDによるサブ・ポアッソン光発生のメカニズム : Backward pump過程の発生機構
- 28p-ZD-3 発光ダイオードによるサブ・ポアッソン光の発生:Backward pump過程による光子数雑音抑圧
- 26a-YQ-9 Backward pump過程による単一発光ダイオードでのサブ・ポアッソン光の発生
- 2p-YL-3 定電圧源駆動による単一ダイオードでのサブ・ポアッソン光の発生
- 6a-J-2 多重直列接続発光ダイオードによるサブ・ポアッソン光の発生と相関の実験
- 半導体超格子の歩み : 底知れぬ可能性
- サブポアソン光 : 光子数揺らぎへの挑戦
- 24aA-6 発光ダイオードを用いた広帯域サブポアソン光の発生
- 7p-Q-8 コレクティブ・クーロンブロッケイド効果の観測
- 6a-J-1 巨視的クーロンブロッケイドと再結合ダイナミクスを考慮した強度雑音抑制の周波数特性
- 発光ダイオードを用いたサブポアソン光の発生とクーロンブロッケイド効果
- 1p-S-14 発光ダイオードを用いたサブポアソン光の発生 : その性質と光子統計
- GaAs量子井戸励起子のスペクトル分解四光波混合
- THz Electromagnetic Wave Radiation from Bulk Semiconductor Microcavities Excited by Short Laser Pulses : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- 光エレクトロニクスの将来-量子物理学および生命科学との出会い-
- 6p-N-7 半導体微細構造と非古典光の発生
- 6p-N-7 半導体微細構造と非古典光の発生
- 光通信工学と量子物理学の出会い
- 29p-YE-3 半導体発光素子によるサブポアッソン光発生の物理と工学
- 半導体中の輻射場の量子制御
- 量子井戸構造の電界効果による超高速光過程 (超高速光エレクトロニクスの最前線) -- (超高速光非線形現象)
- 5a-TE-3 電場下における量子閉じ込め構造の光非線形性
- 量子井戸構造の超高速光非線形性 : 電場下における仮想電荷分極
- 量子効果光非線形デバイスの展望 (量子効果デバイスの現状と展望)
- 量子井戸構造の仮想電荷分極による超高速光過程
- 28a-F-14 一様電場中の半導体量子井戸における非線形光学応答
- 電界による量子井戸構造の光学特性変化とデバイスへの応用
- P-31 半絶縁性GaAs基板における光音響特性の非線形性(ポスター・セッション)
- G-1 マイケルソン干渉計を用いた非接触光音響分光法(光音響)
- 27p-T-3 電流注入音響法による半導体発光素子における非発光過程の評価
- C-5 InGaAsPレーザーからの音響信号の観測と損失機構(一般講演)
- 3-23 半導体レーザにおける音響信号の観測(一般講演)
- 半導体発光ダイオードによる広帯域微弱サブポアソン光発生
- 24aA-8 SCH構造を有する半導体発光ダイオードを用いた室温における広帯域スクィージングの観測
- 17pRE-9 Four Wave Mixing study of microcavity-polaritons dynamics under static electric field.
- TC-1-2 半導体微小共振器からのTHz帯電磁波発生
- フェムト秒レーザパルス励起による半導体半導体微小共振器ポラリトンからのTHz帯電磁波放射
- フェトム秒レーザパルス励起による半導体半導体微小共振器ポラリトンからのTHz帯電磁波放射
- 24aYB-8 共振器ポラリトンからのTHz帯電磁波放射(II) : 放射電磁波とポラリトン分散の対応
- 24aYB-8 共振器ポラリトンからのTHz帯電磁波放射(II) : 放射電磁波とポラリトン分散の対応
- 27a-YE-5 共振器ポラリトンからのTHz帯電磁波放射
- 6p-G-14 GaAs量子井戸励起子のスペクトル分解四光波混合III
- 5p-J-1 グレーティング基板上の半導体薄膜における光学特性III
- 31a-YB-6 グレーティング基板上の半導体薄膜における光学特性II
- グレーティング基板上の半導体薄膜における光学特性
- Micropatterned 1-Alkene Self-Assembled Monolayer on Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon by Vacuum Ultraviolet Lithography
- 1a-X-3 直列接続半導体LEDにおけるスタルク効果ブロッケイドによるサブポアソン光子束の量子相関
- 27p-YB-13 定電圧源駆動された半導体発光素子における光子のサブポアソン化
- Fabrication of 10-Nanometer-scale GaAs Dot Structures by In Situ Selective Gas Etching with Self-Assembled InAs Dots as a Mask
- 31a-YB-4 QCSEプロッケイドによる光子数雑音抑制の解析解
- 1a-X-11 半導体微小共振器におけるポラリトン・モード分裂に及ぼす励起子線幅の影響
- 半導体微小共振器における共振器ポラリトンとTHz帯電磁波発生の可能性
- 27p-YB-11 半導体微小共振器におけるポラリトン・モード分裂に及ぼす振動子強度の影響
- Effect of Intense Intersubband Optical Excitation on the Electron Distribution in GaAs/AlAs Quantum Wells
- Etching of InAs in HCl Gas and Selective Removal of InAs Layer on GaAs in Ultrahigh-Vacuum Processing System
- Possible Polaron Effect in Complex Terahertz Conductivity of Electron-Doped Nanoporous Crystal 12CaO・7Al_2O_3(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Electronic States in Edge Quantum Wires on GaAs/AlGaAs Facet Structures
- Lattice-Mismatch Enhanced Diffusion at a ZnSe/GaAs Interface - Increase of Thermal Stability in a Lattice-Matching System
- Ultrafast Response Evaluation of Virtual Excitation by Off-Resonant Optical Pulse Mixing in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Structures
- High-Speed Intensity Modulation by Quantum-Confined Field Effect Combined with Modulation of Injection Current in Light-Emitting Triodes
- Optical Nonlinearity Caused by Charge-Induced Field Screening in DC-Biased Quantum Well Structures
- Dynamic Switching Characteristics of Photoluminescence by an Electric Field in AlGaAs Quantum Well Structures
- A 140 ps Optical Pulse Generation by Field-Induced Gain Switching in a Photo-Excited Quantum Well Laser
- Electroreflectance Spectra and Field-Induced Variation in Refractive Index of a GaAs/AlAs Quantum Well Structure at Room Temperature
- Transient Response of Photoluminescence for Electric Field in a GaAs/Al_Ga_As Single Quantum Well : Evidence for Field-Induced Increase in Carrier Life Time
- Efficient Phase Conjugation Wave Generation from a GaAs Single Quantum Well in a Microcavity
- Evaluation of Carrier Dynamics in n-Al_xGa_As Films by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy with Characteristic-Matrix Analysis
- Generation of Heralded Twin-Photons in a Series-Coupled Mesoscopic Light-Emitting Diode System
- Photon-Number Squeezing in a Light-Emitting Diode Driven by a Constant-Voltage Source : Pump Regulation by the Non-Coulombic Effect
- Effect of Ionized Impurities at Heterointerface on Concentration and Mobility of Two-Dimensional Electrons in Selectively Doped Heterojunction Structures
- Metal-Semiconductor Electroluminescent Diodes in ZnO Single Crystal
- An Anisotropy of Gain in N_2-Laser Pumped GaAs under Applied Electric Field
- Photoluminescence from Uudoped GaAs under Applied Electric Field : The Transition Mechanism at High Excitation Levels near 77 K
- A New Two-dimensional DFB Laser with Distributed Bragg and Acousto-Optic Reflectors : B-7: SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS (II)
- Observation of Ultraviolet-Luminescence from the ZnO MIS Diodes
- Emission from an Optically Pumped GaAs under Drifting Field
- Comment on Polarization Dependent Momentum Matrix Elements in Quantum Well Lasers
- Oscillation of Two-Dimensional Modes in Transverse-Distributed-Feedback Cavity Lasers
- Two-Dimensionally Collimated Output Beam from GaAlAs Diode Lasers with Two-Dimensional Distributed Bragg Reflectors
- Poto-Response Characteristics of Electrophtographic Plates in Nanosecond Periods
- 4-5 μm Emissions from 1.3-μm and 1.5-μm InGaAsP/InP Lasers : Evidence for Excitations in Split-Off Valence Band
- Saturable Inter-Valence-Band Absorptions in 1.3μm-InGaAsP Lasers : B-4: LD AND LED-2
- Generation Mechanisms of Current-Injection-Induced Acoustic (CIA) Signals in Semiconductor Lasers : Photo-Acoustic Spectroscopy
- Hole-Burnings Observed at High Energy Tails in Spontaneous Emission Spectra from 1.3 μm-InGaAsP/InP Lasers
- Analysis of Intrinsic Saturable Absorption in InGaAsP/InP Diode Lasers
- Investigation of 1.3-μm InGaAsP/InP Lasers by the Measurement of Current-Injection-Induced Acoustic (CIA) Signals
- Observation of Acoustic Signals from Semiconductor Lasers
- Beating Structure on the Spectrally Resolved Four-Wave Mixing: Polarization Dependence : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Contribution of the Imaginary Part of Photoelastic Constants to Resonant Brillouin Scattering in CdS
- Binding Energies of Wannier Excitons in Ga_Al_xAs Quantum-Well Wires
- Drift Mobility Measurement of Se Single Crystal by Light Pulse Technique
- 3 dB Wideband Squeezing in Photon Number Fluctuations from a Light Emitting Diode
- Effect of Static Electric Field on the Beat Structures in Four-Wave Mixing Signals from Semiconductor Microcavities
- 微小共振器発光素子の量子力学的理論解析
- Evaluation of Carrier Dynamics in $n$-AlxGa1-xAs Films by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy with Characteristic-Matrix Analysis
- Micropatterned 1-Alkene Self-Assembled Monolayer on Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon by Vacuum Ultraviolet Lithography
- 7aSG-2 半導体微小共振器中の四光波混合におけるポラリトンモード振動位相の電界強度依存性(励起子・ポラリトン・低次元物質,領域5)