Purification, Properties and Determinations of Recognition Sequence and Cleavage Site of Restriction Endonuclease from "Agrobacterium gelatinovorum" IAM 12617, a Marine Bacterium (AgeI)(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
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A new restriction endonuclease, designated as AgeI, was purified from cell-free extracts of a marine bacterium, "Agrobacterium gelatinovorum" IAM 12617 by streptomycin treatment, ammonium sulfate fractionation, combined column chromatographies on heparin-Sepharose CL-6B and DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B and FPLC on Mono Q (HR 5/5) and Superose 12 (HR 10/30). The purified enzyme was homogeneous on SDS-polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis and free from other phosphatase and exonuclease activities on ligation-recutting test. The relative molecular mass of the enzyme was 24,000 daltons by SDS-polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis. The gel filtration using Superose 12 (HR 10/30) gave the same calculation (23,000 daltons). These data indicated that the enzyme is a monomer. The isoelectric point of the enzyme was 6.5. The purified enzyme cleaved λ and Ad2 DNAs at 10 or more and 5 sites, respectively. However, the purified enzyme did not cleave SV40, φX174 RF I, M13mpl8 RF I or pBR322 DNAs. pBR328 DNA was cleaved at 1 site by the purified enzyme. The purified enzyme worked best at 37℃ and pH 7.5 in a reaction mixture (50 μl) containing 1.0 μg λDNA, 10mM Tris-HCl, 7mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 7mM MgCl_2 and 50mM NaCl. The purified enzyme did not require monovalent cations necessarily for the enzyme reaction. The enzyme recognized the palindromic hexanucleotide DNA sequence 5'-ACCGGT-3' and cut between A and C, producing a 5'-cohesive tetranucleotide extension.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1990-07-23
Suzuki T
Tokyo Univ. Fisheries Tokyo Jpn
Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agricultu
Suzuki Toshihiko
Laboratory Of Applied Microbiology Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Shizuoka University
Institute of Applied Microbiology, The University of Tokyo
Yamada Y
Laboratory Of Applied Microbiology Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Shizuoka University
Suzuki T
Laboratory Of Applied Microbiology Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Shizuoka University
Institute of Applied Microbiology, The University of Tokyo
MIZUNO Hirofumi
Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Shizuoka University
Institute of Applied Microbiology, The University of Tokyo
Akagawa Masayo
Institute Of Applied Microbiology The University Of Tokyo:(present Office)department Of Chemistry Un
Mizuno H
Shizuoka Univ. Shizuoka Jpn
Mizuno Hirofumi
Laboratory Of Applied Microbiology Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Shizuoka University
Yamasato Kazue
Institute Of Applied Microbiology The University Of Tokyo
Yamada Yuzo
Laboratory Of Applied Microbioligy Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Shizuoka University
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