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A talking and singing robot which adaptively learns the vocalization skill by an auditory feedback learning is being developed. In vocalization, the vibration of vocal cords generates a source sound, and then the sound wave is led to a vocal tract, which works as a resonance filter to determine the spectrum envelope. The robot consists of motor-controlled vocal organs such as vocal cords, a vocal tract and a nasal cavity to generate a natural voice imitating a human vocalization. An adaptive learning algorithm using a neural network is introduced for the achievement of the autonomous acquisition of vocalization skill. In the learning phase, the robot vocalizes 150 patterns of voices by ramdomly giving the motor-control parameters, and the generated voice characteristics and the corresponding motor-control parameters are associated with each other by using a self-ornanizing neural network. After the learning, the neural network is connected in series into the vocal tract model. By inputting sound parameters of desired sounds to the NN, the corresponding form of the vocal tract is obtained to vocalize desired sounds. The robot is applied to the training system of speech articulation for the auditory impaired people, because the robot is able to reproduce their vocalization and to teach how they are improved to generate clear speech. The paper briefly introduces the mechanical construction of the robot and how it autonomously acquires the vocalization skill in the auditory feedback learning by listening to human speech. Then the training system is described, together with the evaluation of the speech training by auditory impaired people.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2007-05-17
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