- 論文の詳細を見る
To achieve efficient masticatory function is said to be one of the major objectives in orthodontics. However, evaluation of masticatory function is not usually done before and after the orthodontic treatment. Among the several masticatory tests, the chewing gum test is thought to be one of the easiest and most suitable ones for measuring masticatory performance even for children. Based on the several studies using this test, development of masticatory performance and its relation to orthodontics was discussed. In the chewing gum test, masticatory performance is calculated as the amount of sugar elution per seconds (in 70 mastications). This performance was correlated with occlusal areas at molars and the mandibular size and form, which might be related with chewing force. Masticatory performance of 3 years old was about 45% of adult and gradually increased afterwards. Rapid increase occurred at two phases; one from 3 to 4 years old, and the other from 10 to 13 years old. Masticatory performance varied in different types of malocclusion. Upper protrusion showed no difference with normal occlusion. However, crowding and anterior cross bite showed lO% lower than that of normal occlusion : which recovered to the normal level after orthodontic treatment. Surgically operated anterior cross bite showed a decreased performance during the active treatment but a increased performance at out of retention. As other physical execises, development of masticatory performance reflects the development of mascle, tissue, bone and oral function. Slightly lower performance in those with malocclusion has no great meaning for food ingestion, but has great meaning for development of masticatory organ. Also, masticatory performance should be taken into orthodontic practice for better treatment results and its stability.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1994-03-25
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