亜熱帯島嶼環境域における海浜護岸工の造成と海浜の保全に関する調査研究 : 沖縄県の宮古島及び渡名喜島を事例にして
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate ways in which coastal protection forestry measures can be employed, taking into account beaches and people's lifestyles. Up until now, there has been little focus on this issue with regard to folk customs. Three locations, Karimata Village in Miyako Island, Ogami Island, and Tonaki Island were used as a case study for this paper. The following is a discussion on the problems and current state of administrative policies in breakwater works and the relationship of the region's inhabitants to the beaches in regard to religious ceremonies of the region. Coastal environments in Okinawa are deeply ingrained in the cultural life, in particular religious ceremonies, of the region's residents. The disaster prevention projects that have been carried out in coastal areas in Okinawa to date have been done so without consideration to the nature and culture of the region. Instead, they have been undertaken with a view to functionality alone. Results of surveys on the relationship between the natural coastal vegetation and the stepped / low-lying upright hollow tide embankments show that the number of plant varieties tends to decrease with the transition from a natural beach environment to these man-made structures. While the number of plant varieties is greater with the low-lying upright hollow embankments, they cut off the beach from the inland areas and thus vegetation continuity is lost. On the other hand, the steps on the stepped tide embankments support vines and creepers that grow out towards the inland areas. The preservation and restoration of the nature and historic culture of these beach environments is a substantial problem confronting disaster protection projects in the coastal regions of Okinawa.
- 琉球大学の論文
- 2004-12-01
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