高冷地野菜産地の農家の類型的考察 : 林の数量化理論第III類による解析
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In this paper, I report the result on a factor pattern analysis of 77 farmers to whom the questionnaires were conducted at Kawakami-village in Nagano Prefecture. Kawakami-village is one of the most famous summer-autumn type lettuce-growing districts in Japan. About 300f summer-autumn type lettuces are produced in this district. The method of analysis depended on Hayashi's quantification theory-type III. I extracted five factor axes which indicate synthetic charcters. Each axis has the correlation degree. first axis 0.4715, second axis 0.3614, third axis 0.3149, fourth axis 0.3056 and fifth axis 0.2835. The first axis explains 471024640224f farmers' groupes, and shows the scale of vegetable farming, especialy lettuce production. The second axis relates to farmers' ages. experiences and vitality. The third axis shows farmers'ability in managing their farms and forming their organizations. The forth axis shows farmers'diligentness of peasant type. The fifth axis shows farmers direction of agricultulal labour. I named first axis as "vegetable farming expansion axis"; second axis as "farming vitality axis"; third axis as "farming organization axis"; fourth axis as "peasant diligentness axis" and fifth axis as "agricultural labour direction axis. Seventy seven farmers are chracterize by these five axis in various ways. The second and the third axis are worthy of note.The vitality and the farm management ability of developing farmers are needed to develop the place of production.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1987-03-30
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