- 論文の詳細を見る
Many studies on motions such as walking, running, throwing and jumping which are fundamental physical movements have been made. There are very few reports, however, on the forward somersault in the air, much less the examples of kindergartens where the forward somersault is given as physical training. The reasons are that teachers do not know the teaching method of forward somersault suited to children's physical development, it can be possible for children to practice it. To make children practice the up-and-down motion in the air is a useful factor for the development of their body. This study is based on the experiment to think out a teaching method of forward somersault by giving exercises to the children of five years old. Four five-year-old children practiced four kinds of exercises twice a week for six weeks. (The average duration of practice is 40 minutes a day.) Respiratory phase and EMG were amplified and recorded with SAN-EI POLYGRAPH 142-8, and analyzed and used as research data. According to the result, the number of practice times of forward somersault is as follows : Child 1 could do it by himself at the 76th trial, Child 2 at the 78th, Child 3 at the 94th, Child 4 at the 98th. The point of this experiment is the use of mini-poline, which played an important part for children with little muscular strength.
- 中京大学の論文
- 1980-03-01
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