- 論文の詳細を見る
The instepkick is the way to kick a ball with the dorsal part of foot Since a powerful force can be transmitted to the ball by leg swing, the "kick is suitable for passing a ball very far. The instepkick has been considered as a basic skill for shooting, long passing, clearing, free kicking, goal kicking and corner kicking. The efficiency of the kick depends upon individual's levels of ankle extension, range of mortion of leg swing, and stability of lower body. In the present study, some biomechanical comparisons were made on the instepkick between skilled and unskilled players using the 16 mm photo analysis and measureing breathing paterns. Six subjects, 3 skilled men whose playing career is 10-year, and 3 unskilled men, participated in this study. All were asked to kick a ball which was placed on the spot 11 m aprt from the goal posts. Only three steps were allowed. Their performance was pictured using a 16-mm 1PL Recording Camera (Photo Sonic Inc.), 30 m aprt from the subjects. Seven-m film zoom, a 5-m backscreen and 1/300 sec film speed were used. In addition, breathing curves at the impact were recorded using a thermister to a recticorder (Nihon Koden). As results, some differences were found between the groups. The skilled men steped in with flexed knee of 93.7°, then they flexed thier knee 57.3° after 7/150 sec, and finally they impacted. The ball with flexed knee of about 121. 6° following 6/150 sec , while the corresponding values for the unskilled men were 55.9°, afther 2/150 sec 48.7°, and after 13/150 sec 112. 1°. On the breathing curves, the skilled men insteped as inhale and impacted a ball in the state of breath-holding.
- 1982-03-31
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