- 論文の詳細を見る
Sixteen female rats of the Fischer line were administered a series of treadmill running for eight weeks (5 times a weeks, 60 minutes a session a day) at a 15-degree gradient and at the speed of 23 m/min. Then their leg skeleton's soleus muscle and plantaris muscle were extracted. Dyeing methods like myosm ATPase. SDH and Amylase PAS were employed on a microscopic basis in order to determine the composition, transaction volume, and capillary development of SO (superb activation of oxidizing enzymes), FG (excellent activation of sugar enzymes), and FOG (mediating muscles) fibers. The analytic results are as follows; 1. Body weight significantly increased (p < 0.001) in the training group as compared with the control group. 2. Both mysoleus and m.plantaris increased with significance (p < 0.05 〜p < 0.001) in both absolute and relative muscle weight as well. 3. Even though m.soleus didn't have any changes of fiber composition in the two groups, m.plantans was noteworthy. In its deep region, SO fibers were not affected, however, FOG fibers increased(p < 0.05) and FG fibers decreased(p < 0 01). In the peripheral region, the two groups had few SO fibers, while the training group's FOG fibers grew(p < 0.01) and FG fibers lowered(p < 0.01). This phenomenon may be acounted for by FG fibers' transfer to FOG fibers. 4. A significant (p < 0.05 〜 p < 0.01) increase of the transection volume was noticed in SO and FOG fibers of m.soleus as well as SO, FOG, and FG fibers of m.plantaris. The difference among the fibers was seen m the peripheral region of m.plantaris only. 5. As to the barometer of the muscle fiber capillary, the ratio between CD and CF was not affected by the endurance training. Excepting FG fibers of m.soleus, CC increased (p < 0.01 〜 0.001), which implies the increase in oxidizing capacity of muscular fibers. 6. Since the effect of the training in capillary development was clearly indentified by the values of muscle fibers transection volume divided into CC, any type of muscle fibers discussed here seems to have been influenced by the endurance treadmill running.
- 名古屋女子大学の論文
- 1994-03-05
荒井 康夫
小林 義雄
朴 哲浩
朴 哲浩
Department of Physical Education, Dong-A University
小林 義雄
Chukyo University
荒井 康夫
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