棒高とびのバイオメカニクス的研究 : 棒高とび技術の最大湾曲時における考察
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There is perhaps no more complex an event in sports as the pole vault. In pole vaulting, there are several critical factors for a good vault. The athlete's Pole Rising Speed and Body Lift Speed are necessary in order to gather lift for the proper timing and balance in a successful vault. The following are critical factors: (1) Running Speed and Grip Position (2) Take-off (3) Swing Up (Hang) (4) Rock Back (5) Projection Phase: Pull, Turn, Flyaway It is necessary to include these factors for a good vault. The purpose of this paper is two-fold: 1) To review the literature on Pole Vaulting research. 2) To recommend a method of instruction for Pole Bending based on our findings. First, in our review of the research literature on Pole Vaulting, we found L.S. Homencof's work to be of particular interest. Homencof observed that in the forward approach, the pole was carried at a 45 degree angle laterally. We propose to re-examine the validity of this observation. The following pages contain research photographs and biomechanical analysis figures to support our findings. The subjects of our study were physical education students. The 10 subjects chosen were pole vaulters with an average training history of 7.4 years. The height of the bar for all subjects was 440cm. Analyzed three successful vaults and three unsuccessful vaults. In our experiment method, we used a 16mm IPL Photo Sonic Ink Recording Camera. We took photographs from the rear, and a side view of each vault. We photographed both angles simultaneously. The height of the Camera was 120cm and the shutter speed was set at 1/50sec. To minimize error, we used a Dynamic Frame Model DF-10B Motion Analyzer Graphpen Calculater System. The results of our study re-iterate the validity of a lateral 45 degree angle as demonstrated in L.S. Homencof's research. Therefore, the angle of rock back was approxiamated at 30 to 45 degrees as well. In ther case of unsuccessful vaults, an angle range of 33 to 47 degrees was observed. Recommendation: A) From this research we recommend that the vaulter be instructed to fully extend the shoulder and elbow of the upper grip arm. Note: During this experiment we were able to photograph a pole-brake. We noticed that pole bend exceeded 45 degrees. This was thought to be caused by a delayed rock back.
- 名古屋女子大学の論文
- 1983-03-31
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