シュツットガルト世界選手権大会におけるゆか運動についての一考察 : 種目別選手権大会上位入賞者と日本選手の比較を中心として
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By comparing the performance between World Top Gymnasts and Japanese gymnasts, the following were revealed: 1) BOGVINSKAIA and SLIVAS getting 10.00 points seemed to deserve to be champion, because BOGVINSKAIA had her own characteristic movements and high guality balanced performance of series. SILVAS, on the other hand, had high degree of rythmical movements. 2) Amang the Japanese gymnasts, SHINODA got 9.837 and her performance seemed to give a good example with regard to getting a high score for Japanese gymnasts in the future. 3) Prize winners executed much more D technigue than Japanese gymnasts and they got as a result much more additional points. 4) Many Japanese gymnasts had mistaken at landing stage and this made their points very lower. 5) To execute the most difficult movements does not mean necessarily to be able to get a higher point. When a gymnast show a good mixture of movements, she will have a good evaluation.
- 中京大学の論文
- 1991-09-30
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