- 論文の詳細を見る
There is a performance called a handspring forward in compulsory exercises on the balance beam. In the 8th Acquisition Test for an International Judge, it was reported that only 10 precent of the judges recognized that there was an air phase in the handspring forward. However, 90 percent of the remaining judges recognized the handspring forward as the walkover forward in the Barcelona Olympic Games. The handspring forward is used in the Olympics and also in other major championships from 1994 to 1996. This study was carried out to investigate whether a player's performance has the air phase or not. Furthermore, this study investigated whether a judge can judge the air phase accurately or not. Many important things were found in the results. It is really hard to judge during a performance because the handspring forward has speed, and the air phase seems to appear in the handspring forward. To judge accurately whether there is an air phase or not, the judges have to watch repeatedly many performances that have air phases by using video tapes and investigate them. Also, it is very important and necessary that the judges have an ability to distinguish between the air phase and the walkover forward in the performance.
- 中京大学の論文
- 1994-11-09
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