- 論文の詳細を見る
In this research we studied sleeping and waking state of the caregivers on caregiving days and non-caregiving days. The measuring instrument was Micro Mini Actigraph manufactured by A. M. I ( USA). We examined sleeping time, waking time, the daily ratio of sleeping time, waking episodes and the longest period of sleeping episodes. These were three caregivers. One is Mr. A (age : 50), who has a family member with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and the others are Mr, B (age : 76) and Ms C (age : 54), both of whom have family members suffering from aftereffects of cerebrovascular disease. Compared with the sleeping time on caregiving days, Mr. A's and Mr. B's sleeping time increased by 44 and 62 minutes respectively, but Ms C's decreased by 9 minutes on non-caregiving days. Mr. A's and Ms C's daily ratio of sleeping time was approximately 30% and Mr. B's was 20% on both caregiving days and non-caregiving days. As for waking episodes, Mr. A's waking episodes significantly decreased on non-caregiving days, but neither Mr. B's nor Ms C's showed a significant difference. The factor causing many waking episodes was due to be the care required in removing sputum, which is essential to the life support of all the three family members who require nursing care. Mr. A's longest sleeping episode lengthened from 77 minutes on caregiving days to 148 minutes on non-caregiving days, which showed that the caregiver could have a long continuous sleeping. This fact suggests the importance of home health care system that can physically release caregivers from care. Neither Mr. B's nor Ms C's longest sleeping episode varied between on caregiving days and on non-caregiving days, which is considered to reflect the situation where the caregivers choose which care is necessary, since it is difficult for the family members requiring nursing care to express their needs by themselves. In order to consider their care burden, it will be necessary to make an analysis from a viewpoint of time study, to examine the various conditions and the living circumstances of caregivers and care-receivers, and to develop methods of support for them. The analysis carried out this time with Actigraph was found to be of help.
- 香川県立保健医療大学の論文
長内 秀美
森口 靖子
松村 千鶴
郡 順子
阿部 美知子
森口 靖子
森口 靖子
松村 千鶴
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