褥創予防とその看護に関する予備的研究 : マットの種類と体型,体位および苦訴との関連性
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Topical skin pressures were measured at the areas of the temporal, the shoulder-scalp, the lateral chest, the lateral buttocks and the distal feet, which faced to the surface of the mat in the two lateral positions as a preliminary study on prevention of decubitus caused by patient's own body-weight. Nine healthy adult female volunteers, aged from 18 to 56,3 of normal, 3 of fat and 3 of slender types of body figure, were cooperated. Two kinds of the mat, standard and crater surface, were used and both of them were covered with a pressure sensor seat. 1) Pressure relief of the crater mat revealed about 50% to the standard mat in the 30 degrees lateral position, and about 40% in the 90 degrees lateral position. 2) It was suggested that topical pressure relief in nursing management should be carefully paid to areas of the heel and the buttocks in the 30 degrees position and that of the trochanter, the iliac bone, the lateral chest, the shoulder-scalp and the temporal bone in the 90 degrees lateral position. 3) There was no significant difference between body figures and topical skin pressures, except that the soulder-scalp area of the fat type had significant decrease of the pressure in 90 degrees lateral position. 4) Discomfort complaints were augumented 10 minutes after in all cases regadless of body figures, 30 and 90 degrees of lateral position or kinds of mat. This indicates importance of changing position of the patients in nursing management for prevetion of pressure decubitus as well.
- 香川県立保健医療大学の論文
伊達 裕子
滝川 由美子
森口 靖子
森口 靖子
中添 和代
森口 靖子
森口 靖子
吉本 知恵
吉本 知恵
滝川 由美子
森口 靖子/吉本
香川県立医療短期大学看護学科/香川県立医療短期大学看護学科/香川県立医療 短期大学看護学科/香川県立医療短期大学看護学科/香川県立医療短期大学看護学科
滝川 由美子
香川県立医療 短期大学看護学科
伊達 裕子
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