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著者らは種々の人工温熱条件下で,正常マウスや担がんマウスを飼育し,体重の経日的変動,延命率,血糖値と肝グリコーゲン量の変化および肝臓組織呼吸酵素系について調べた。その結果にもとずき,温熱条件下の生体反応とエネルギー代謝との関連性について考察を加えた。A series of the present studies will deal with the vitailresponse of mice when subjected to extreme temperature condition. The first purpose of the studies is to verify what kind and extent of the change concerning mainly with energy production of the mice are brought about when kept under the following three different temperature conditions with a definite humidity. (1) 22.0℃±1.0℃ in temperature and 55±5% in humidity, this condition is abbreviated as OT. (2) 35℃±0.5℃ and 80±5%, abbreviated as HT, and (3) 5.0±0.5℃ and 80±5%, called as LT. The following results were obtained. 1) Under the condition of OT, the body weight of the animals had increased gradually and constantly throughout the duration of the observation. But, under that of LT, it showed temporary decrease within the first few days of the observation and resumed again increasing tendency later on. Under HT, the body weight decreased gradually even after 10 days keeping. 2) On the examination of the survival rate of the tumor-bearing mice under each condition, it was found that the life time of them was reduced markedly under HT and moderately under LT. 3) Blood sugar amd glycogen levels in the mice after fasting for 8 days under each condition showed different fluctuation according to the condition to be applied. A marked decrease in both levels was recognized when reared under LT. 4) Liver respiration of the mice showed very high activity under LT, moderate one under OT and the lowest under HT. 5) Succinic dehydrogenase activity was also found to show a tendency similar to that found in the case of the respiration activity, but NADH-dehydrogenase activity was decreased more slightly under LT than in OT. 6) From these results, discussion was made concerning some intrinsic ability of the mice liver as the machinary of energy production.
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