An orthodontic treatment of a case with familial gingival fibromatosis
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Gingival fibromatosis is a rare disease with a diffuse proliferation of the gingival fibrous tissue, the cause of which is unclear. The delayed eruption of permanent teeth or the crowding of erupted teeth is often observed because of hypertrophy of the gingiva. Orthodontic treatment for crowding was applied to a case with familial gingival fibromatosis after gingivectomy and retention was followed. A female patient, , had crowding, delayed eruption of permanent teeth and hypertrophy of the gingiva. Her father and an elder brother of her paternal grandfather also had gingival fibromatosis. She had never had epilepsy. Overbite was deep and the upper dental arch was V-shaped. Gingiva around all of the teeth proliferated significantly. After gingivectomy at , all impacted teeth erupted. Three months later, the expansion of both dental arches, bite raising and the alignment of each tooth commenced with a dynamic positioner and multi bracket system. After 1 year and 3 months of the total active treatment, removable retainers were set because some lesions of the gingiva were swollen. Gingivectomy of the upper left first molar was performed again because the gingiva around it was still swollen after tooth brushing was instructed. After the retention period, the crowding was corrected and no remarkable relapse occurred, except that the width between the upper second premolars narrowed.
- 日本矯正歯科学会の論文
Molecular Pathology, Department of Oral Resttitution, Division of Oral Health Sciences
SOMA Kunimichi
Orthodontic Science, Department of Orofacial Development and Function, Division of Oral Health Scien
Takagi M
Tokyo Medical And Dental Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Takagi Minoru
Molecular Pathology Department Of Oral Restitution Pulp Biology And Endodontics Department Of Restor
WARITA Hiroyuki
Orthodontic Science, Department of Orofacial Development and Function, Division of Oral Health Scien
Soma Kunimichi
Orthodontic Science
Warita Hiroyuki
Orthodontic Science
FUKAWA Toshihiko
Orthodontic Science
MEGA Hiroko
Molecular Pathology, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental Uni
Mega Hiroko
Molecular Pathology Division Of Oral Health Sciences Graduate School Tokyo Medical And Dental Univer
Takagi Minoru
Molecular Pathology Department Of Oral Restitution Division Of Oral Health Sciences Graduate School
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