2-Arylmethyl-1,4-benzoquinones. I. Novel Inhibitors of Platelet Aggregation : Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation
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A new series of 2-arylmethyl-1,4-benzoquinones (2) was synthesized for evaluation of their pharmacological activities. These compounds showed significant inhibition of platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid (AA) and some of them possessed a protective effect against endothelial cell injury caused by hydrogen peroxide.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1996-01-15
Suzuki Kazutoshi
Suzuki K
Pharmaceutical Frontier Research Laboratories Japan Tobacco Inc.
Murakami Takayuki
Taiho Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Suzuki Kenji
Suntory Institute For Biomedical Research Wakayamadai
Miyazaki Tomoko
Suntory Institute For Biomedical Research Wakayamadai
SUMOTO Kunihiro
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuoka University
Satoh F
Suntory Institute For Biomedical Research Wakayamadai
Satoh Fumio
Soka University
Suzuki Kazutoshi
Department Of Medical Imaging National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Suzuki Kazutoshi
Clinical Neuroimaging Section Department Of Molecular Neuroimaging Molecular Imaging Center National
Ishihara Takafumi
Suntory Institute For Biomedical Research Wakayamadai
Suzuki K
Molecular Imaging Center National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Aisaka K
Biofrontier Laboratories Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. Ltd.
Aisaka K
Japan Tobacco Inc. Osaka Jpn
Aisaka Kazuo
Suntory Institute For Biomedical Research:cornell University Medical College
Suntory Institute for Biomedical Research
Tatsuoka T
Suntory Institute For Biomedical Research
Sagami Chemical Research Center
Suntory Institute for Biomedical Research, Wakayamadai
Suntory Institute for Biomedical Research, Wakayamadai
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuoka University
Suntory Institute for Biomedical Research
INOUE Teruyoshi
Suntory Institute for Biomedical Research
Suntory Institute for Biomedical Research
Miyazaki Tomoko
Suntory Institute For Biomedical Research
Sumoto Kunihiro
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Fukuoka University
Ogino Ryoko
Suntory Institute For Biomedical Research Wakayamadai
Miyano S
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Fukuoka University
Inoue T
Suntory Institute For Biomedical Research
Sumoto Kunihiro
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Fukuoka University
Suntory Institute for Biomedical Research
Suntory Institute for Biomedical Research
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- 2-Arylmethyl-1,4-benzoquinones. II. Novel Inhibitors of Platelet Aggregation : Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation
- 2-Arylmethyl-1,4-benzoquinones. I. Novel Inhibitors of Platelet Aggregation : Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation
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