A Novel Adaptive Array Utilizing Frequency Characteristics of Multi-Carrier Signals
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A novel algorithm for an adaptive array that is suitable for a multi-carrier transmission will be proposed in this paper. In an adaptive array, signals received by antenna elements are weighted and combined together. In the proposed algorithm, distortion of a spectrum of the combined signal is detected and weight coefficients for each antenna element are controlled so that the spectrum of the comibined signal becomes flat. Concept of the proposed algorithm can be interpreted as the CMA which is applied to signals sampled in the frequency domain. Furthermore, a configuration of the adaptive array will be shown. Signals separated in a receiver of the multi-carrier transmission are utillized to detect the distortion of the signal spectrum. By adopting the proposed configuration, the spectrum of the multi-carrier signal can be easily detected. In order to investigate the performance of the proposed adaptive array, computer simulation has been carried out. Numerical results show that; 1)A desired wave is captured well even if an interference wave is narrow band signal and is stronger than the desired wave. 2)Suppression performance for a co-channel interference wave depends on both a symbol timing and SIR of arrival waves. If the symbol timing of the interference wave greatly differs form the timing of FFT window of the receiver, the desired wave can be captured even if the co-channel interference wave is stronger more than 10dB compared with the desired wave. The conventional CMA adaptive array has a serious problem that the narrow band interference wave is captured when it is stronger than the desired wave. On the other hand, it is extremely rare that the proposed adaptive array captures the narrow band interference wave, Therefore, it can be said that the proposed adaptive array is a robust system compared with the conventional system.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2000-02-25
Shibata T
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Shibata T
Department Of Information And Communication Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Inagaki N
Nagoya Inst. Technol. Nagoya Jpn
Nishikawa Kunitoshi
Toyota Central R&D Labs, Inc.
Fujimoto Mitoshi
Toyota Central Research&development Laboratories Inc.
Fujimoto Mitoshi
Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories Inc.
Inagaki Naoki
Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Inagaki N
Nagoya Inst. Technol. Nagoya‐shi Jpn
Kikuma Nobuyoshi
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Shibata T
Ntt Photonics Laboratories Ntt Corporation:(present Address)ntt Science And Core Technology Group Nt
Kikuma N
Nagoya Inst. Technol. Nagoya‐shi Jpn
SHIBATA Tsutayuki
Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories, Inc.
Fujimoto M
Toyota Central Res. & Dev. Lab. Inc. Aichi‐ken Jpn
Nishikawa Kunitoshi
Toyota Central R&d Laboratories
Nishikawa Kunitoshi
Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories Inc.
Shibata Tsutayuki
Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories Inc.
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