Broadband Planar Antenna Combining Monopole Element with Electromagnetic Bandgap
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New structure of broadband planar antenna, combining monopole elements with electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures, is proposed. The antenna has a simple single layer structure and unique beam pattern. Antenna is fabricated on a surface of a single layer dielectric substrate and back side of the substrate is covered with metal layer. At the center of the substrate, an inverted L monopole strip is fabricated and on both sides of this monopole, EBG unit cells are placed. By tuning monopole length and EBG bandgap frequency, the monopole resonates even if metal layer exists close to the monopole radiator. Three types of EBG, one dimensional (1D), square two dimensional (2D) and hexagonal 2D, are tested. By combining monopole strip with hexagonal 2D-EBG, the bandwidth of prototype antenna, whose return loss is less than 10dB, is 840MHz in 5GHz band. To control beam patterns of antenna, parasitic elements are placed close to the monopole radiator and EBGs. These parasitic elements work as directors of quasi Yagi-Uda antenna and radiation gain at lower tilt angles is improved.
- (社)電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2008-11-01
DENSO CORPORATION Research Laboratories
KIKUMA Nobuyoshi
Department of Electrical and Cnmputer Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Kikuma Nobuyoshi
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Department of Neurosurgery, Gifu University School of Medicine
Hirayama Hiroshi
Dept. Of Computer Science And Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Kikuma Nobuyoshi
Dept. Of Computer Science And Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute Technology
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Hirayama Hiroshi
Department Of Aeronautics And Astronautics
Sakakibara Kunio
Dept. Of Computer Science And Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Matsugatani Kazuoki
Denso Corp. Res. Lab. Nisshin‐shi Jpn
Sakakibara Kunio
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
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