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Industrial yeasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are generally incompetent for mating with other yeasts, and sporulation is difficult to achieve. These characteristics have prevented industrial yeasts from being bred. We have therefore developed molecular techniques for breeding them. It was found that the PDR4 gene of S. cerevisiae confers resistance of cells to cerulenin. A transformation system was constructed by using the PDR4 gene as a dominant selective marker in combination with cerulenin, and a pair of tester strains was constructed by introducing a multicopy plasmid bearing the PDR4 gene into a and α strains for mating-type determination of prototrophic strains, including industrial yeasts. Physical and functional analysis of Kyokai No. 7 revealed that it has functional a and α mating-type genes and the mating incompetency has the regular non-mater phenotype due to α2 and a1-α2 repression. An effective selection method for isolating mating-competent mutants of this strain was developed using plasmids bearing the PDR4 gene and either the reporter gene STE6p-PHO5 or MFα1p-PHO5. Mating-competent mutants having the a and α mating-type were selected by detection of repressible acid phosphatase activity by specific staining of colonies and then tested for mating-type by tester strains resistant to cerulenin. This method was applied successfully to two ginjo sake yeasts. Hybrid strains superior for sake making were constructed by crossing these mating-competent derivatives. Introduction of the IME1 gene, which is a key gene of meiosis, ligated to a multicopy plasmid into Kyokai No. 7 and No. 9 cells partially restored their sporulation frequency in sporulation conditions. Furthermore, high expression of the IME1 gene allow hybrid strains between sake yeasts to sporulate, and it was possible to obtain segregants from them. A mass mating method for homothallic yeasts was developed by using the dominant selective drug resistance markers Tn601 (903) against geneticin (G418) and AURI-C against aureobasidin A. We propose that this method is useful for the selection of hybrids from industrial homothallic yeasts.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 2003-02-25
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