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レサズリン,グルコースデヒドロゲナーゼ,β-ニコチンアミドアデニンジヌクレオチド及びジアホラーゼからなる指示反応系の血糖値測定における有効性を評価した.酵素反応によってレサズリンから生成するレゾルフィン由来の蛍光強度変化の測定に基づく本グルコース分析法は,グルコース濃渡10∿5000μg/100mlの範囲で良好な検量線 (相関係数,0.9999) を与えた.本法を血しょう試料に適用したところ,除タンパク操作することなく,相対標準偏差3%以下で血糖値測定が可能であった.本指示反応系はアスコルビン酸の共存効果をほとんど受けなかった.また,レゾルフィン由来の蛍光が,レゾルフィンに対してレサズリンが大過剰存在すると消光されることを見いだした.消光はレゾルフィンとレサズリンの濃渡比に依存し,濃渡比が1:20のときには蛍光強度は90%以上減少した.すなわち,レサズリンのレゾルフィンへの変換を指示反応として用いる蛍光分析法の感度に対して,レサズリンの初期濃度が非常に重要な決定因子であることを初めて明らかにした.
- 社団法人日本分析化学会の論文
- 2002-02-05
大森 秀信
大森 秀信
松浦 伸哉
山内 雄二
前田 初男
前田 初男
山内 雄二
前田 初男
山内 雄二
- Brazilian Natural Medicines. III. Structures of Triterpene Oligoglycosides and Lipase Inhibitors from Mate, Leaves of Ilex paraguariensis
- Medicinal Flowers. XXVI. Structures of Acylated Oleanane-Type Triterpene Oligoglycosides, Yuchasaponins A, B, C, and D, from the Flower Buds of Camellia oleifera : Gastroprotective, Aldose Reductase Inhibitory, and Radical Scavenging Effects
- Hydroxychavicol : a potent xanthine oxidase inhibitor obtained from the leaves of betel, Piper betle
- A New Amide, Piperchabamide F, and Two New Phenylpropanoid Glycosides, Piperchabaosides A and B, from the Fruit of Piper chaba
- Histamine Release Inhibitory Activity of Piper nigrum Leaf(Pharmacognosy)
- Medicinal Flowers. XXI. : Structures of Perennisaponins A, B, C, D, E, and F, Acylated Oleanane-Type Triterpene Oligoglycosides, from the Flowers of Bellis perennis
- Medicinal Flowers. XXVII : New Flavanone and Chalcone Glycosides, Arenariumosides I, II, III, and IV, and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Inhibitors from Everlasting, Flowers of Helichrysum arenarium
- Structures of Acetylated Oleanane-Type Triterpene Saponins, Rarasaponins IV, V, and VI, and Anti-hyperlipidemic Constituents from the Pericarps of Sapindus rarak
- Medicinal Flowers. XXIV. Chemical Structures and Hepatoprotective Effects of Constituents from Flowers of Hedychium coronarium
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXXII : Aminopeptidase N and Aldose Reductase Inhibitors from Sinocrassula indica: Structures of Sinocrassosides B_4, B_5, C_1, and D_1-D_3
- Medicinal Foodstuffs. XXXIV. : Structures of New Prenylchalcones and Prenylflavanones with TNF-α and Aminopeptidase N Inhibitory Activities from Boesenbergia rotunda
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXVI : Chemical Structures and Hepatoprotective Effects of Constituents from Roots of Rhodiola sachalinensis
- Apoptosis-Inducing Effects of Sterols from the Dried Powder of Cultured Mycelium of Cordyceps sinensis
- Fibrinolytic activity of ligustilide and pharmaceutical comparison of Angelica acutiloba roots before and after processing in hot water
- Quality of Angelica acutiloba roots cultivated and processed in Sichuan province of China
- Antiallergic activity of unripe Citrus hassaku fruits extract and its flavanone glycosides on chemical substance-induced dermatitis in mice
- Inhibitory Effects of Citrus hassaku Extract and Its Flavanone Glycosides on Melanogenesis(Pharmacognosy)
- Comparative Evaluation of 12 Immature Citrus Fruit Extracts for the Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 Isoform Activities(Pharmacognosy)
- レサズリンの還元を蛍光指示反応として用いる血糖値測定
- アセチルレゾルフィンとグルコースオキシダーゼからなる蛍光指示反応系を用いる血糖値測定
- 脂肪族アミン類の新規ECD-HPLC分析法の開発
- 2,2,6,6-TetramethyIpiperidinyl-1-oxyl (TEMPO)を用いたチオール類およびジスルフィド類の電気化学的検出法の検討
- 親水性リンカーを用いる触媒機能電極の作製とその電気分析化学的利用
- カチオン性化合物選択能を有する修飾炭素電極の開発
- 三価リン化合物を利用する電解合成
- オリゴ(エチレングリコール)修飾炭素電極のタンパク吸着に対する表面特性
- Electrochemical Preparation and Some Reactions of Alkoxy Triphenylphosphonium Ions
- Direct Covalent Modification of Glassy Carbon Surfaces with 1-Alkanols by Electrochemical Oxidation
- Facile Preparation of Allylzinc Species from Allyl Bromides and Unactivated Zinc Induced by a Catalytic Amount of Aluminum Chloride and Their Reactions with Carbonyl Compounds and Acetals
- One-Step Transformation of Carboxylic Acids into Aldehydes Induced by the Electrochemical Oxidation of Ph_3P
- トリブチルホスフィン共存下での〓連続電解〓によるカルボン酸のアルデヒドへの変換反応〔英文〕 (有機電気化学の新展開)
- Gold Electrode Modified with a Self-Assembled Monolayer of Thiols as an Electrochemical Detector for Ionic Surfactants
- Allylation of Aldehydes with Allyl Bromides and Zinc Induced by Pyridinium Perchlorates
- Reaction of Triphenylphosphine Radical Cation with 1,3-Dicarbonyl Compounds : Electrochemical One-Step Preparation of Dioxomethylenetriphenylphosphoranes
- Sesquiterpenes from Curcuma comosa
- Structures of New Sesquiterpenes from Curcuma comosa
- 緑茶の蒸熱に伴うクロロフィラーゼ活性の変化とフェオホルビドaの生成
- Testosterone 5α-Reductase Inhibitory Active Constituents of Piper nigrum Leaf(Pharmacognosy)
- Chemical Constituents from Seeds of Panax ginseng : Structure of New Dammarane-Type Triterpene Ketone, Panaxadione, and HPLC Comparisons of Seeds and Flesh
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXXIII : Inhibitors from the Seeds of Psoralea corylifolia on Production of Nitric Oxide in Lipopolysaccharide-Activated Macrophages(Pharmacognosy)
- Structures of New Monoterpenes from Thai Herbal Medicine Curcuma comosa
- Medicinal Flowers. XXII Structures of Chakasaponins V and VI, Chakanoside I, and Chakaflavonoside A from Flower Buds of Chinese Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis)
- Synthesis of 3-Substituted Isocoumarins and Their Inhibitory Effects on Degranulation of RBL-2H3 Cells Induced by Antigen
- グルタチオンの生体分析における分析確度の向上は可能か?
- 酸化ストレス指標物質3-ニトロチロシンの還元応答型HPLC-ECD分析法の開発
- New Triterpene Constituents, Foliasalacins A_1-A_4, B_1-B_3, and C, from the Leaves of Salacia chinensis
- Absolute Structures of New Megastigmane Glycosides, Foliasalaciosides E_1, E_2, E_3, F, G, H, and I from the Leaves of Salacia chinensis
- Reinvestigation of Absolute Stereostructure of (-)-Rosiridol : Structures of Monoterpene Glycosides, Rosiridin, Rosiridosides A, B, and C, from Rhodiola sachalinensis
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXIX. : Monoterpene and Monoterpene Glycosides from the Roots of Rhodiola sachalinensis
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXVIII. : Chemical Structures of Acyclic Alcohol Glycosides from the Roots of Rhodiola crenulata
- Invasion Inhibitors of Human Fibrosarcoma HT 1080 Cells from the Rhizomes of Zingiber cassumunar: Structures of Phenylbutanoids, Cassumunols
- Structures of Novel Norstilbene Dimer, Longusone A, and Three New Stilbene Dimers, Longusols A, B, and C, with Antiallergic and Radical Scavenging Activities from Egyptian Natural Medicine Cyperus longus
- Structures of New Flavonoids and Benzofuran-Type Stilbene and Degranulation Inhibitors of Rat Basophilic Leukemia Cells from the Brazilian Herbal Medicine Cissus sicyoides
- Four New Ursane-Type Triterpenes, Olibanumols K, L, M, and N, from Traditional Egyptian Medicine Olibanum, the Gum-Resin of Boswellia carterii
- Antidiabetogenic Constituents from the Thai Traditional Medicine Cotylelobium melanoxylon
- Medicinal Flowers. XXXI. Acylated Oleanane-Type Triterpene Saponins, Sasanquasaponins I—V, with Antiallergic Activity from the Flower Buds of Camellia sasanqua
- Cucurbitane-Type Triterpenes with Anti-proliferative Effects on U937 Cells from an Egyptian Natural Medicine, Bryonia cretica: Structures of New Triterpene Glycosides, Bryoniaosides A and B
- Structures of New Phenylbutanoids and Nitric Oxide Production Inhibitors from the Rhizomes of Zingiber cassumunar
- クロロフィルのフェオフィチンへの変化率測定法について
- Inhibitory effects of devil's claw (secondary root of Harpagophytum procumbens) extract and harpagoside on cytokine production in mouse macrophages
- Chemical Structures and Hepatoprotective Effects of Constituents from the Leaves of Salacia chinensis
- 保護/脱保護化学に基づく蛍光プローブの設計開発 : 過酸化水素,スーパーオキサイド,チオールおよびセレノールの可視化計測(生体分子の可視化プローブ)
- 薬学教育について思うこと(21世紀の人づくり)(21世紀:薬学の時代へ)
- New terpenoids, olibanumols D-G, from traditional Egyptian medicine olibanum, the gum-resin of Boswellia carterii
- 特集によせて(生体分子の可視化プローブ)