醗酵微生物の混合培養に関する研究 : (第1報) 耐滲浸透性乳酸菌および酵母の混合培養について
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In culturing, adding and applying osmophilic Pediococcus soyae and Saccharomyces rouxii, which are active in soy sauce and miso, a mixed culture of these two strains was examined.It was found that while, at 10% NaCl concentration, S. rouxii were suitable for culture at the same pH (6.5) with the prolification of P. soyae, but, if NaCl concentration increased to 18%, S. rouxii would not grow unless pH was set at 5 (5-5.5).At 10% NaCl concentration, the growth coefficient for both P. soyae and S. roxii was seen to be low, in the neighborhood of 1/1 ratio. A good ratio of growth coefficient will be obtained near 16/1,and, in the case of mixed culture, growth of S. rouxii would decreased.At 18% NaCl concentration, P. syae would increase, and, after pH of the medium came up near 5,growth of S, rouxii commenced. However, at 130/1 ratio between P.soyae and S. rouxii, no growth of S.rouxii was seen.A better Ped./Sacch. ratio in regard to the increase of both strains was seen to cover a relatively wide range of 1/1-15/1.Contrasted to a single culture, mixed culture was seen to induce lower growth for both strains, and, particularly, for S, rouxii, to exert an inhibitory effect.
- 公益社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1965-11-25
- 28.麹菌Aspergillus candidus var amylolyticusに關する知見(第5回講演會研究發表要旨)
- 麹より分離した細菌の増殖に対する水分活性, 培養温度, pHの影響
- 339 麹より分離した汚染細菌の増殖と水分活性との関係
- 104. 清酒麹について : 清酒麹の酵素および細菌群
- 醗酵微生物の混合培養に関する研究 : (第1報) 耐滲浸透性乳酸菌および酵母の混合培養について
- 33.醗酵微生物の共棲に関する研究 : (第1報)耐塩性酵母と耐塩性乳酸菌の共棲について(昭和39年 日本醗酵工学会大会)
- 33. 醗酵微生物の共棲に関する研究 : (第1報) 耐塩性酵母と耐塩性乳酸菌の共棲について
- 8. 醗酵微生物の凍結乾燥について : (第2報) 耐塩性酵母の凍結乾燥 (昭和37年度 日本醗酵工学会講演会大会研究発表要旨(40周年記念))
- 7. 醗酵微生物の凍結乾燥について : (第1報) Pediococcus sojae sp. の凍結乾燥 (昭和37年度 日本醗酵工学会講演会大会研究発表要旨)(40周年記念)
- 41. 麹菌に関する研究 (第15報) : 麹菌の蛋白分解酵素について (其2)