Nicotiana glutinosa 葉における ectodesmata および plasmodesmata の数と対 TMV 感受性との関係
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Yarwood^<1)> found that heat treatments of bean leaves before or after inoculation with some viruses result in an increase in the number of local lesions. The possibility has been discussed by some workers^<2,3,4,5,6)> that ectodesmata and plasmodesmata are important for initiation of virus infection. Brants^<3)> demonstrated a close relationship between the number of ectodesmata visible after fixation and susceptibility of tobacco and bean leaves to TMV infection. Thomas and Fulton^<6)> reported that darkening and heat treatments increased susceptibility of T.I. 245 tobacco to TMV infection and also increased the number of ectodesmata. On the other hand, Kontaxis and Schlegel^<7)> described the accumulation of TMV particles on the basal septa of broken leaf hairs in some Nicotiana plants. Herridge and Schlegel^<8)>, and Brants^<4)> studied the reactions of some hypersensitive hosts after inoculation with ^<14>C-labeled TMV, and found that the accumulations of radioactive virus material were associated with hair bases. We have made some tests to ascertain the correlation of the number of ectodesmata and plasmodesmata visible after fixation with the susceptibility of Nicotiana glutinosa L. leaves to initial infection by ordinary strain of TMV.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1972-01-20
- 反応の異なるNicotiana属植物の茎に導入されたタバコモザイクウイルスの動向 (I) : N. tabacum cv. Samsun(植物防疫学)
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- Nicotiana glutinosa 葉における ectodesmata および plasmodesmata の数と対 TMV 感受性との関係
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