ムギ萎縮病の研究 : VII ムギ萎縮病の防除, とくに木酢液土壌散布の効果について
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Although soil-borne cereal mosaics do not develop in plants grown in the virus-infested soils treated with some chemicals or in the soil heated at 50-60℃ for 10 minutes, it is believed commonly that the only practical method of control is by planting resistant varieties. However, according to the variety tests of barley sown in the soil infested with barley yellow mosaic virus (BYMV), which have been conducted by the present writer making use of about 90 varieties, most varieties including so-called resistant or immune varieties often show to be susceptible. In these tests, moreover, the differences of environmental conditions exerted effects on the infection and expression of symptoms. It is necessary, therefore, that the recommended varieties are decided for each region. Previously, the writer designed and manufactured a flame-projector for soil sterilization, by way of trial, which was able to heat the soil within the depth of 15 cm at 40-60℃ for several minutes. Treatment by this equipment was conducted practically on a BYMV-infested farmer's field by heating soils near sowing lines just before planting seeds. This treatment needed only to spend 30-40 liter per 10 are of kerosene, and was very effective for control of the disease and also of manganese deficiency. Furthermore, an attempt has been made to find out a more practical method of controlling of soil-borne cereal mosaic diseases in Japan, and following results have been obtained. (1) Pyroligneous acid (wood vinegar) controlled soil-borne cereal mosaics when the virusinfested soils were drenched with the original liquid or diluted ones at several days before planting seeds. (2) Throughout all the experiments, namely: tests in glasshouses or in the field and also experiments using both the soils infested respectively with wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV, Marmor tritici var. fulum McK.) and BYMV, pyroligneous acid showed to be very effective in controlling the diseases. The pH values of soils treated with diluted liquids of pyroligneous acid went back to the original pH within several days after drenching. (3) Drenching with liquids of pyroligneous acid diluted 1 : 4 to 1 : 8 with water were not only effective on the diseases but were stimulative for the growth of wheat and barley plants. Moreover, these soil treatments suppressed the growth of weeds. (4) Liquids of acetic acid which were prepared from glacial acetic acid and adjusted at the same pH values as ones of pyroligneous acid tested, showed no remarkable effects on the diseases such as shown by pyroligneous acid in glasshouse tests. (5) The original liquid of pyroligneous acid contains 2-2.8 percent of formaldehyde. It is wellknown that formaldehyde show sterilizing effects considerably on the soils infested with several kinds of soil-borne plant viruses. It seems, therefore, that the effects of pyroligneous acid on soil-borne cereal mosaics are not only caused by its acidity but rather attributable to sterilizing effects of formaldehyde and of other similar substances including in pyrokigneous acid. (6) Most Japanese farmers in mountainous areas have a custom of charcoal-making, and they can collect pyroligneous acid easily as a by-product of charcoal-making. So the controlling method of soil-borne cereal mosaics by pyroligneous acid seems to be of practical use in Japan.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1961-05-25
- 反応の異なるNicotiana属植物の茎に導入されたタバコモザイクウイルスの動向 (I) : N. tabacum cv. Samsun(植物防疫学)
- タバコモザイクウイルス弱毒系統「SA-10」の性質
- 交互温度変化の条件下で全身的または局部的に感染したNicotiana glutinosa植物を連続通過させて生じたタバコモザイクウイルスの弱毒系統について
- TMV感染に対するN. rustica植物の反応に及ぼすアスコルビン酸の影響
- 反応の異なるNicotiana属植物の茎に導入されたタバコモザイクウイルスの動向 (III) : N. rustica(植物防疫学)
- 反応の異なるNicotiana属植物の茎に導入されたタバコモザイクウイルスの動向 (II) : N. tabacum cv. Samsun NN(植物防疫学)
- サムスンタバコ植物体内におけるタバコモザイクウイルスの移行
- ジャガイモ葉巻病ウイルスの虫媒伝染に関する知見 (2) : モモアカアブラムシにおける子虫へのウイルスの移行
- ウイルス感染植物の局部病斑と頂端えそ発現との関係
- ジャガイモ葉巻病ウイルスの虫媒伝染に関する知見
- ムギ萎縮病感染植物におけるX体の発現時期,乾燥貯蔵病土の病原性維持,および薬剤による防除
- 消毒剤としての木酢液の有効成分の解析
- トウガラシのウイルス病について(第2報)
- 暖地ビート立枯病菌に対する木酢液の殺菌効果
- トウガラシのウイルス病について(第1報)
- (105) 麦萎縮病防除の為の火炎放射器の試作及びその実際効果 (昭和31年度大会)
- ムギ萎縮病の研究 : VI. ムギ萎縮病ウイルスの土壌伝播機作 (続報)
- (87) Hypersensitive host における systemic necrosis について (ウイルス病(昭和40年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨))
- 植物ウイルスのhypersensitive hostにおけるsystemic necrosisについて
- サトウダイコン立ち枯れ病を起すRhizoctonia candida YAMAMOTOの寄生性について
- (53) ウイルス病における局部病斑と全身えそとの関係 (関西部会)
- Nicotiana glutinosa 葉における ectodesmata および plasmodesmata の数と対 TMV 感受性との関係
- 3. 媒介微生物不明の土壤伝染ウイルス (B. 土壌伝染)
- (17) 土壌施薬によるオオムギ縞萎縮病の防除 : ムギ萎縮病ウイルスの土壌伝搬機構に関連して (昭和40年度地域部会講演要旨(関西部会))
- (146) 活性炭副産物木酢液の有効成分の解析 (昭和38年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
- (20) 土壌消毒剤としての木酢液の実用化と適用範囲の拡大 (昭和37年度地域部会講演要旨(関西部会))
- ムギ萎縮病の研究 : VII ムギ萎縮病の防除, とくに木酢液土壌散布の効果について
- (98) ムギ萎縮病の防除, とくに木酢液土壌散布の効果について (続報) (ウイルス病(昭和36年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨))
- (82) ムギ萎縮病の防除法, 特に木酢液土壌散布の効果について (ウイルス病(昭和35年度日本植物病理学会大会))
- (3) ムギ萎縮病ウイルスの土壌伝播機作について (第1報) (昭和33年度関西部会)
- (154) ムギ萎縮病ウイルスの土壌伝播機作について (第2報) (ウイルス病(昭和33年度 日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨))
- ムギ萎縮病の研究 : IV. オオムギ縞萎縮病ウイルスについて (その2)
- ムギ萎縮病の研究 : II. オオムギ縞萎縮病ウイルスについて (その1)
- (27) 大麦縞萎縮病ウイルスの性質 (昭和32年度関西部会)
- (3) 小麦縞萎縮病バイラスに対するコムギ属, エギロプス属及びアグロピロン属植物の感受性について (昭和31年度関西部会)
- ムギ類の土壌伝染性ウイルス病
- 煙草モザイク病バイラスの病原性と抗元性との関係