- 論文の詳細を見る
To detect the presence of antifungal activity in arboreal plant tissues, cortical disks of one-to two-years-old shoots of 22 species belonging to 11 families including mulberry were placed on potato-dextrose agar (PDA) media seeded respectively with 6 species of fungi and bacteria, and assayed at 25C for 1-2 days and inhibition zones to microbial growth were observed (direct method). The disks of 11 species including mulberry and persimmon showed inhibition zones, indicating antifungal activity against Bipolaris leersiae and Fusarium roseum. The cortical disks of mulberry shoots showed antifungal activity on neutralised PDA, while those of persimmon showed antifungal activity only on acidified PDA. The cortical disks of mulberry shoots treated at -20C for 60 min or in hot water at 60C for 10 min failed to display any antifungal activity. Pieces of various organs of mulberry plant, i. e., leaf, petiole, cortical tissues of shoot and root showed antifungal activity, but antifungal activity could not be detected in xylem tissues of either shoot or root by this method. On the other hand, the acetone extracts from all of these pieces assayed by the direct method showed antifungal activity against B. leersiae. Antifungal activity could not be found in browned cortical tissues infected with pathogens by using the direct method, whereas acetone extracts showed antifungal activity.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1982-04-25
- 73 クワ産生のDiels-Alder付加化合物
- (83) カジノキ枝皮層部のファイトアレキシン生成とその抗菌スペクトル (昭和55年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
- 37 クワ産生のフィトアレキシン類の構造
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- オガサワラグワの斑点性落葉被害に関与する3種の菌類(一般講演(口頭発表),第7回大会講演要旨)
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- (145) クワの凍霜害と細菌の氷核能力に関する研究 : (10) 昆虫・植物等から分離した酵母菌と細菌による防霜試験 (平成2年度大会講演要旨)
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- クワ枝木部におけるファイトアレキシンの生成
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