Deactivation of Gibberellin by 2-Oxidation during Germination of Photoblastic Lettuce Seeds(Organic Chemistry)
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Gibberellin (GA) plays an important role in the induction of germination of photoblastic lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids) seeds. We have previously shown that gene expression of a GA 3-oxidase (Ls3h1) increased after a red light treatment, resulting in an increase in the endogenous content of GA_1, bioactive GA. Since the metabolism of GAs is also important for determining the endogenous levels of bioactive GAs, cDNAs encoding GA 2-oxidases (LsGA2ox1 and LsGA2ox2, for L. sativa GA 2-oxidase), which catalyze the deactivation of GAs, were isolated from lettuce seeds to investigate the regulation of these genes by light. An expression analysis shows that the mRNA levels of both enzymes was not markedly altered under different light conditions during germination. However, the amount of LsGA2ox2 transcripts was decreased to approximately half the level by red light. This reduction might play a role in the increase in GA_1 level by red light in the lettuce seeds.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2003-07-23
Inoue Yasunori
Department of Cardiology, Saitama Cardiovascular and Respiratory Center
佐々 武史
Department of Resources and Environment Science, School of Humanities and Culture, Tokai University
Inoue Yuichi
Second Department Of Surgery School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
佐々 武士
Kamiya Y
Plant Science Center Riken
Kamiya Y
Riken Plant Science Center
Kamiya Yuji
Plant Science Center Riken
Department of Bioresource Engineering, Yamagata University
Course of the Science of Bioresources, United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate Univer
SASSA Takeshi
Course of the Science of Bioresources, United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate Univer
Course of the Science of Bioresources, United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate Univer
Suzuki Miwako
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku University
Suzuki Miwako
Department Of Bioresource Engineering Yamagata University
Higashi K
Gene Research Center Institute Of Biological Sciences University Of Tsukuba
RIKEN Plant Science Center
SAWADA Yoshiaki
Department of Cytology, Kyorin University School of Health Sciences
Kawaide Hiroshi
Department of Plant Protection, United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tokyo University of
Department of Bioresource Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University
KENMOKU Hiromichi
Department of Bioresource Engineering, Yamagata University
Kamiya Yuji
Riken Frp.
Kamiya Yuji
Kamada H
Gene Res. Center Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sciences Univ. Of Tsukuba
KENMOKU Hiromichi
Course of the Science of Bioresources, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate Un
Course of the Science of Bioresources, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Iwate Uni
Inoue Y
Showa Sangyo Co. Ltd.
Inoue Y
Solar Energy Research Group Institute For Physical And Chemical Research
Inoue Yorinao
Photosynthesis Research Lab.
Mitsuhashi Wataru
Forest Biology Division Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
Kenmoku Hiromichi
Department Of Bioresource Engineering Faculty Of Agriculture Yamagata University
Shimada Yasuyuki
Kumamoto National College Of Technology
Yoshino Ichiro
The Department Of Surgery Ii Faculty Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Kamiya Y
Growth Regulation Research Group Riken Plant Science Center
Kawaide H
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Inoue Yasunori
Department Of Applied Biological Science Faculty Of Science And Technology Science University Of Tok
Kawaide Hiroshi
Institute Of Symbiotic Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Kawaide Hiroshi
Department Of Bioproduction Faculty Of Agriculture Yamagata University
Sawada Y
Department Of Bioresource Engineering Yamagata University
Sawada Yoshiaki
Department Of Cytology Kyorin University School Of Health Science
Toyomasu T
Department Of Bioresource Engineering Yamagata University
Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University
Toyomasu Toshihisa
Department Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University
Inoue Yasunori
Department Of Applied Biological Science Faculty Of Science And Technology Science Unicersity Of Tok
Nakaminami Kentaro
Department Of Bioresource Engineering Faculty Of Agriculture Yamagata University
SASSA Takeshi
Course of the Science of Bioresources, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate University (Yamagata University)
SAWADA Yoshiaki
Department of Bioresource Engineering, Yamagata University
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