Effect of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration on Monoclonal Antibody Production in Hybridoma Cell Cultures
- 論文の詳細を見る
The effects of dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration on cell growth and antibody production in hybridoma cell cultivation were examined in batch culture with computer-controlled DO concentrations. In serum-containing medium, cell growth and antibody production were independent of DO value controlled in the range of 0.2-5ppm. In serum-free medium, however, antibody production strongly depended on DO concentration for low DO values less than 2ppm, in spite of the fact that specific growth rate did not vary greatly. Glucose consumption, lactate production and conversion to lactate increased with a decrease in DO in serum-free medium. On the other hand, converstion was high and independent of DO concentration in serum-containing medium. These results were observed in three hybridoma cell lines, including two mouse-mouse hybridomas and one human-human hybridoma.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1992-12-25
吉田 弘之
吉田 弘之
Kamihira M
Department Of Biotechnology School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Kamihira Masamichi
Nagoya University:(present Office)kyushu University
Kamihira Masamichi
名古屋大学 工学研究科生物機能工学
Kamihira Masamichi
Department Of Biotechnology Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Kamihira Masamichi
Department Of Chemical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Yoshida Hitoshi
Department of Internal Medicine, Jiundo Naika Hospital
OGAWA Tatsuya
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kinki University School of Medicine
Yoshida Hitoshi
Department Of Anesthesiology Hirosaki University Graduate School Of Medicine
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University
Iijima Shinji
Department Of Biotechnology School Of Engineering Naogya University
Iijima Shinji
Department Of Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
吉田 弘之
Department Of Chemical Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Kobayashi Takeshi
Department Of Biological Chemistry College Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Chubu University
Ogawa T
Department Of Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Kobayashi T
Univ. Tsukuba Ibaraki Jpn
Ogawa Tatsuya
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Kinki University School Of Medicine
- Preparation of artificial skeletal muscle tissues by a magnetic force-based tissue engineering technique(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- セッション報告
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- 高度分離
- 副会長就任にあたって
- 亜臨界水処理による効率的メタン発酵
- インターネット時代における学会のありかたは?
- 亜臨界水を利用した資源・エネルギー化システムの実用化に向けて
- 3-6 固定化担体を用いたメタン発酵の高効率化((2)微生物II,Session 3 バイオマス等)
- 3-5 有機性廃棄物の高速・高消化率メタン発酵((2)微生物II,Session 3 バイオマス等)
- 固定化担体を用いた高効率メタン発酵
- キチン・キトサンの吸着分離剤への応用
- 吸着
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- ゼロエミッションを目指した産業間ネットワーク
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- AN-P27 Site-specific genetic modification of target cells using an integrase-defective retroviral vector and cre-mediated cassette exchange(Section I Animal and Plant Cell Cultures)
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- 亜臨界水処理による未利用有機物の高速高効率資源・エネルギー化システム (特集 水と環境--クリーンテクノロジーを支える材料・装置など) -- (水テクノロジーの最新動向・事例)
- セルロ-ス膜中における直接染料の表面拡散
- 亜臨界水による廃棄物のエネルギー・資源化
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- 亜臨界水処理による未利用バイオマスの資源・エネルギー化(RGB三部会[リサイクル・ガス化・バイオマス]合同シンポジウム-廃棄物,バイオマス,石炭等利用技術の最新動向-)
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- 吸着の基礎
- 吸着技術による染料含有排水の処理
- キチン・キトサンの応用
- 亜臨界水処理による未利用バイオマスの資源・エネルギー化
- リパーゼ固定化キトサンビーズによる極性溶剤中でのエステル分解反応
- 多孔質キトサン担体に固定化したリパーゼによるエステル転移反応
- リパーゼ固定化キトサンビーズの非水系酵素反応への応用
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