Removal of Salt and Organic Acids from Solution Used to Season Salted Japanese Apricots (Ume) by Electrodialysis, Precipitation and Adsorption
- 論文の詳細を見る
With the aim of repeatedly reusing the solution used to season salted ume (Japanese apricot), we investigated its desalting and deacidification by electrodialysis, precipitation, and adsorption. Although NaCl and acids could be easily removed from used seasoning solution by electrodialysis, useful substances such as amino acids were removed at the same time. Precipitation using Ca(OH)_2 could remove only organic acids, but the treated solution became bitter. Two weakly basic commercial resins, DIAION WA30 and Chitopearl CCS, adsorbed organic acids selectively. Chitopearl CCS in particular selectively adsorbed citric acid in the used seasoning solution without also adsorbing useful substances. The equilibrium data of a citric acid, which was a main organic acid, were correlated by the langmuir equation. The saturation capacity decreased with increasing concentrations of NaCl in the solution but the equilibrium constant did not change. By combining electrodialysis and adsorption, NaCl and organic acids could be removed while amino acids largely remained. The resultant solution was considered to be suitable for repeated reuse.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1999-09-25
吉田 弘之
吉田 弘之
吉田 弘之
Industrial Technology Center of Wakayama Prefecture
Industrial Technology Center of Wakayama Prefecture
Department of Chemical Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University
吉田 弘之
Yoshida Hitoshi
Department Of Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
吉田 弘之
Department Of Chemical Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Yoshida Hiroyuki
Department Of Chemical Engineering College Of Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
Takatsuji W
Industrial Technol. Center Wakayama Prefecture Wakayama City Jpn
Yoshida Hiroyuki
Department of Chemical Engineerig, University of Osaka Prefecture
- セッション報告
- 亜臨界水処理によるアルミラミネートフィルムからのアルミ回収
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- 高度分離
- 副会長就任にあたって
- 亜臨界水処理による効率的メタン発酵
- インターネット時代における学会のありかたは?
- 亜臨界水を利用した資源・エネルギー化システムの実用化に向けて
- 3-6 固定化担体を用いたメタン発酵の高効率化((2)微生物II,Session 3 バイオマス等)
- 3-5 有機性廃棄物の高速・高消化率メタン発酵((2)微生物II,Session 3 バイオマス等)
- 固定化担体を用いた高効率メタン発酵
- キチン・キトサンの吸着分離剤への応用
- 吸着
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- ゼロエミッションをめざした物質循環プロセスの構築 (特集/用廃水に関わる国家プロジェクトの動向)
- ゼロエミッションを目指した産業間ネットワーク
- Removal of Salt and Organic Acids from Solution Used to Season Salted Japanese Apricots (Ume) by Electrodialysis, Precipitation and Adsorption
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