5.追加 正常人血清の補体価(第3回補体シンポジウム II 各種疾患における補体及び補体成分の変動)
- 論文の詳細を見る
By studying the distribution characteristics of complement 50% hemolytic titer (C'H50) of 641 normal human sera taken from apparently healthy blood donors, it was found out that the complement titer was distributed nearly in symmetric curve with mean value of 36.43 with standard deviation of 5.47. Human complement hemolytic activity was measured according to C'H50 method of Mayer's. There was no correlation between complement titer and sex or blood type. On the other hand, while investigating averages of C'H50 in each age from six to sixty, it was noticed that C'H50 remarkably increased in the ages of ten, eleven and twleve. Moreover, the variation of C'H50 during daytime was observed in ten healthy volunteers. C'H50 was measured four times a day, that is, before breakfast, before lunch, one hour and four hours after lunch. The result indicated that the difference between maximum and minimum in C'H50 of each case had mean value of 8.5 unit with standard deviation of 4.27 unit.
- 1966-11-30
- 1)補体成分の同定について(III 補 体)
- 討論並び追加 III. 臨床的研究(第4回補体シンポジウム II臨床的研究)
- 26.リウマトイド因子と補体との関係について : 特に変性ガンマグロブリンについて(第5回補体シンポジウム記録)
- 25.遅延型アレギーと補体との関係について(第2報) : 除補体操作(Decomplementation)の遅延型アレルギーに及ぼす影響について(第5回補体シンポジウム記録)
- 22.HANE(遺伝性血管神経性浮腫)の1例(第5回補体シンポジウム記録)
- 3.腎炎における血清補体 (第3報)(第3回補体シンポジウム II 各種疾患における補体及び補体成分の変動)
- (128) 遅延型アレルギーと補体との関係について : とくに細胞性抗体と補体との関係を中心として(補体)
- 165. リウマチにおける補体系の研究 : 関節液中補体第4成分阻害因子について(補体)
- 1. CISについて : 精製及び血清中CISの定量(II 補体とアレルギー)
- 5)C'3群について(VI-3 補体の化学とその反応機序)